Luftwaffe radio equipment of World War II - Wikipedia
Most of this equipment received the generic prefix FuG for Funkgerät, meaning "radio equipment". Most of the aircraft-mounted Radar equipment also used the FuG prefix. This article is a list and a description of the radio, IFF and RDF equipment.
Wireless Communications of the German Army in World War II
FuG 8: A medium-wave transceiver (receiver/transmitter) used in command tanks. It operated in the 1,130 to 3,000 kHz frequency range with a transmission power of 30 Watts. It was used with various antenna ranging from 1.8 to 9-metre antenna.
FuG-8 - cryptomuseum.com
FuG-8 (German: Funkgerät 8) 1 was an analogue two-way mobile radio set for for use in the VHF FM radio band, developed and built by various manufacturers, according to specifications layed out by the German Government. The FuG-8 devices from all suppliers have the same form factor, the same connections and a nearly identical front panel, but ...
AEG Telefunken FuG-8 - Crypto Museum
FuG-8 was an analogue two-way mobile radio set for the 4 metre radio band, with optional voice encryption, developed and manufactured in the late 1970s by AEG Telefunken in Ulm (Germany) for police and other government services in Germany and the Netherlands.
Radio Equipment - Panther1944
The Panther was equipped with one FM receiver Ukw. E. e., a 10-watt transmitter and one 10 W.S.c.. Together, this combination was named as FuG 5 SE 10 U. Therefore a 2-m-rod antenna was mounted on the engine cover, left behind the turret.
Radio Equipment in Command Tiger E - Tigertank 181
Command Tiger had radio equipment Fug 8 with a 40 miles range, allowing communication with HQ. Main objective of the command Tiger was to keep steady flow of communication between command post, Luftwaffe and platoons.
二战德国Sd.Kfz.250半履带装甲车型号大全及资料文献。 - 哔哩哔哩
为了指挥摩托化分队,所以 装备了 FuG 12 电台,最初使用 2 米杆状天线,后使用 2 米星型桅杆式天线。 有的 sd.kfz. 250/3 装有 FuG 7 和 FuG 8,用于师级通讯。
虎II坦克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Sd.Kfz. 267備有FuG 8和FuG 5電臺各一臺,它看上去和一般的虎II坦克有兩個顯著的不同之處:一是指揮型的炮塔頂上有一根兩米長的天線;二是在它後裝甲蓋板上原本用來安裝深潛用裝備的地方,有一根安裝在絕緣底座(該底座的型號爲105mm Antennenfuß Nr. 1)上、有筒 ...
德国 Sd.Kfz.250 半履带轻型装甲车族 - 哔哩哔哩
早期fug 8用框架式天线,后改用星型桅杆式天线,所有通讯车都装有一挺mg-34机枪。 该车有2种支型,最初构想为轻型防空车,不过这个型号没投产,后改为突击炮部队观测车。
KF-802 (FuG-8) - Crypto Museum
KF-802 was an analogue two-way VHF mobile radio set, introduced in 1978 by Bosch Telecom in Gerlingen (Germany). It was developed for use by German public safety services (BOS), such as the police and the fire brigade, in compliance with the German Government's FuG-8 specicification. In 1983, optional voice encryption was added.