银盐列传——富士Pro160NS - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2022年11月22日 · “富士Pro”胶片产线是2004年引入,取代原先的“富士NP”系列。 新的系列拥有更细腻的颗粒度(RMS 3)和更加中性的色彩平衡。 产线更替. NPS 160(——2004), Pro160s/Pro 160NS(2004——2021),'S' 代表 short exposures. NPC160(——2004),Pro 160C (2004–2010), 'C' 代表 higher contras. NPL 160 (–2004) 灯光片,停产, 'L'代表 Long exposures. NPH 400 (2002–2004),Pro 400H (2004-2021) NPZ 800 (2002–2004),Pro 800Z …
FUJICOLOR PRO 160S | Fujifilm 香港
Provides wide exposure latitude from under- to overexposures, superb skin tones with smoothly continuous gradation from the highlights to the shadows, highly faithful color reproduction, an exciting three-dimensional appearance to the image and single-channel suitability for uniform printing efficiency.
speed 160 daylight-type color negative film designed for professional use, featuring more highly optimized skin tone reproduction and neutral gray balance, especially important for portrait photography.
Fujicolor Pro - Wikipedia
Fujicolor Pro was a line of professional color negative films from Japanese company Fujifilm introduced in 2004 for weddings, portraits, fashion and commercial photography. It originally comprised four emulsions: Pro 160S, Pro 160C, Pro 400H …
富士Pro 160ns彩色交卷 作者 i-film ifilm爱胶片 - i50mm
2020年2月4日 · 富士的Pro 160 ns就是这样一款胶卷。 2019年这卷的价格可谓三连涨。 年初还是30出头,到了第二季就涨到了45,年底一看已经56了。 pro 160 ns其实并不那么出色,但早十年10元的价格,却凸显性价比。 味道还是富士的味道,整体偏青,颗粒倒是柔和,过度也自然。 宽容度依然能体现负片优势,过曝三档没问题。 如果和柯达的Ektar做比较的话,倒是缺乏了点细腻感,但比炮塔160要更胶片。 contact: [email protected] © 2015-2024 Zhao …
如何评价富士 Pro 160 ns? - 知乎
2022年6月7日 · 但是富士pro160ns并不好,这已经是富士专业负片最后一代了,还有pro400h都不好,和之前的产品比如富士pro160c等产品相比,ns很差,哪怕是过期近10年的pro160c也要比pro160ns好。 pro160ns我拍过很多,但是当它的价格和LOMO100差不多甚至超过的时候我实在找不出理由继续使用160ns了。 现在讨论如何拍摄160ns并没有什么意义,但很多人的批评都可以归类于不会用,同样的有些人批评柯达金200,也可以归类于不会用。 不会用并不是指的如何拍 …
Fujifilm Zoom Date siblings: 1000, 1300 and 160S Review – By …
2020年6月5日 · The Zoom Date 1000 measures only 10.7cm wide, 6cm tall and 3.6cm thick, while the 1300 and 160S are just a few millimetres thicker, and none of them reach 200gr in weight. The 160S and either of the other two could be ideal travel companions, covering and angle of view from 28 to 160mm in less than 400grams, something I’d like to try one day.
5 Frames... With Fujifilm Fujicolor Pro 160S (EI 100 / 120 format ...
2018年2月16日 · Fuji Pro 160S, or the newer NS version, or even the older NPS versions are among my favourite film stocks. The first Roll of 120 Film I ever shot was Fuji 160S on a Mamiya RB67 Pro SD that my aunt who is a full-time professional photographer gave...
Review: Fuji Pro 160S 35mm - The Film that Makes you Think
2013年2月4日 · Review: Fuji Pro 160S 35mm - The Film that Makes you Think 5 Share Tweet. This roll of film made me think very carefully how and which camera it should be used with. And so should you.
Fuji Pro 160s for sale - eBay
Get the best deals on Fuji Pro 160s when you shop the largest online selection at eBay.com. Free shipping on many items | Browse your favorite brands | affordable prices.