Fuji T-7 - Wikipedia
The Fuji T-7 (previously T-3 Kai) is a Japanese primary trainer aircraft built by Fuji Heavy Industries for the Japan Air Self-Defense Force. A development of Fuji's earlier T-3 trainer, it is a single-engined monoplane powered by a turboprop engine.
T-7 (練習機) - Wikipedia
T-7 は、 航空自衛隊 の 初級練習機 [1]。 老朽化した T-3 の後継機として 富士重工業 が製造した。 T-3 と同じく当初から航空自衛隊のパイロット養成を目的として開発されている。 1990年代 に、T-3改として開発が開始され、 1998年 (平成 10年)8月にT-3の後継機である「新初等練習機」に選定された [2]。 しかし、 1998年 (平成 10年)末に海上自衛隊へ納入する予定の US-1A改 開発の際、富士重工役員と防衛庁政務次官の汚職があったことが発覚した為、翌 1999 …
Fuji T-7 Trainer Aircraft - Airforce Technology
2013年3月21日 · Fuji T-7 is a primary military trainer aircraft manufactured by Fuji Heavy Industries (FHI) for the Japan Air Self Defence Force (JASDF). The aircraft replaced the T-3 trainer that is in service with the JASDF.
T-3 / T-5 / T-7 - Primary Trainer - GlobalSecurity.org
The T-5 is the primary trainer of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force), and the T-7 is the primary trainer of the Japan Air Self-Defense Force. The Fuji T-5 is an improved T-3 with an...
T-7教練機 - Wikiwand
T-7教练机 是一款由 富士重工 为 日本航空自卫队 研制的初级教练机。 事实速览 Fuji T-7, 概观 ... 日本. 为了取代日益老旧的 T-3教练机, 日本 开始寻求一款新的初级教练机。 原先自卫队打算采购 PC-7,但之后因政治丑闻爆发 (时任执政党 自民党 贿赂富士)而取消并重新竞争。 最终日本决定采纳基于T-3研制出的改进升级版,也就是T-7 (原本编号T-3 Kai)。 Seamless Wikipedia browsing. On …
Fuji T-5/T-7 | Aviation Week Network
2012年10月22日 · The Fuji T-7, also known as the T-3 Kai or KM-2F, is a tandem two-seat trainer derived from Fuji's earlier piston-engined T-3. It is powered by a 450-shp Rolls-Royce 250-B17F turboprop....
Fuji T-7 - Aircraft Recognition Guide
Find out how to recognise all the different versions of the Fuji T-7, and learn what are the differences between the T-7 and similar aircraft types like the Yakovlev Yak-52, Fuji KM-2, Fuji T-5, Pilatus PC-7 and Beechcraft T-34.
FUJI T-7 - T7 L1T L/G - Doc8643
MTOW (t) 1.6. Fuel Capacity (ltr) 375. Maximum Range (Nm) Persons On Board. 2. Take Off Distance (m) 610. Landing Distance (m) 560. Absolute Ceiling (x100ft) 250. Optimum Ceiling (x100ft) Maximum Speed (kts/M) 203. Optimum Speed (kts/M) 161. Maximum Climb Rate (ft/min) Manufacturers. FUJI T-7 ...
Primary and intermediate training aircraft "Fuji T-7" of ... - 資訊咖
2023年4月20日 · Fuji T-7 is the basic and intermediate trainer aircraft currently used by the Japan Air Self-Defense Force. It uses a turboprop engine to increase power and reduce flight noise. The aircraft's origins date back to the summer of 1998, when the Japanese General Staff released specifications for a primary training aircraft intended to succeed the ...
Fuji T-7 - Wikiwand
The Fuji T-7 (previously T-3 Kai) is a Japanese primary trainer aircraft built by Fuji Heavy Industries for the Japan Air Self-Defense Force. A development of Fuji's earlier T-3 trainer, it is a single-engined monoplane powered by a turboprop engine.