FUJIFILM X-Pro3 | Cameras | FUJIFILM X Series & GFX - USA
What they need is a compact, lightweight and reliable camera, allowing them to focus on capturing the world around them. The hidden LCD encourages a more traditional shooting style, asking photographers to concentrate on composing using the viewfinder.
X-Pro3 - Home Page | FUJIFILM X Series & GFX - USA
Choose from a selection of classic films or experiment with the newly created CLASSIC Neg. and MONOCHROMATIC Color to find your ideal style, straight out of camera. Shoot high-quality 4K/30p video in F-Log or a selection of in-camera styles. Be ready for harsh conditions with a weather-resistant titanium body.
Fujifilm X-Pro3 review: living in the moment, not a screen in sight
2019年11月12日 · The Fujifilm X-Pro3 is a 26 megapixel mirrorless interchangeable lens camera built around a clever optical / electronic viewfinder and designed to look like a classic rangefinder.
Fujifilm X-Pro3 Review - KenRockwell.com
2019年12月11日 · What makes the X-Pro3 unique, along with the X-Pro2 and original X-Pro1, is its combined optical and electronic finder borrowed from the X100, X100S, X100T and X100F franchise.
富士XPRO3到底香不香?哪里香?一篇文章给你说透_相机_什么值 …
2020年1月9日 · xpro3继续升级了对焦算法,比xt3更快,是目前(截止xpro3发布)富士对焦速度zui快的机型. 更重要的是,xpro3大幅提升了暗部对焦性能,达到了可怕的-6ev, xt3是-3ev,-6ev啥概念呢?
如何评价富士 X-Pro3? - 知乎
xpro3/x100v以降的富士可以说是直出色彩的集大成者了。 相信不少像我一样xpro2用户换三代的主要动力就是为了CN/eterna以及fx蓝色这些新增的胶片模拟设置。
Fujifilm X-Pro3 Mirrorless Digital Camera - Black (Body Only)
Advanced Hybrid multi viewfinder: optical Viewfinder (ovf) uses a 0. 5x magnification and parallax-correcting frame lines to provide an uninterrupted and true-to-life view of what’s in front of you. Additionally, the 3. 69M-dot OLED electronic viewfinder (EVF) offers a fast and high-quality representation of exactly how your image will look.
【富士X-Pro 3】报价_参数_图片_论坛_Fujifilm X-Pro3富士数码相 …
这款相机拥有2610万有效像素、X-Trans CMOS 4与X-Processor 4影像处理引擎、支持4K/60P视频录制。 全新光学/电子混合取景器、内折式翻转液晶屏与加入“CLASSIC Neg”等胶片模拟功能。 [阅读全文] 富士X-Pro3是一台刚发布不久的无反相机,它的特点就是复古、胶片模拟和高画质。 这台相机使用起来特别像是一台胶片相机,因为它主打了非常丰富的胶片模拟,同时在正常状态下是没有屏幕的,唯一的一块小屏幕用来显示当前使用的胶 [阅读全文] 富士X-Pro3是一台兼顾情 …
单评 | 富士X-Pro3深度测试 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
X-Pro3搭载一块2600万像素背照式 X-Trans CMOS Ⅳ 传感器和 X-Processor 4 图像处理引擎,和自家旗舰X-T3是同一块底。 该机提供了ISO 160-12800的感光范围,最高可扩展到ISO 51200,最低为ISO 80,连拍速度达到了11张每秒。 向来重视用户反馈的的富士表示,用户希望富士新机能更耐操,于是他们在新机上使用了 Duratect 这样的钛金属处理工艺和表面硬化技术,这项技术也应用于腕表领域,经过处理后的表面,可高达1500Hv的维氏硬度等级,在抗刮擦能力上提升明 …
Fujifilm X-Pro3 - Wikipedia
The Fujifilm X-Pro3 is a mirrorless interchangeable-lens digital camera announced on October 23, 2019. [3] [4] It is part of Fujifilm's X-Series of cameras, the successor to the X-Pro2. Sales began on November 28, 2019. [5] X-Pro3 is the latest release of the series.