Japanese Weaponry - Innocence
Fukumi Bari Mouth needles. The Ninja used these by rolling their tongue into a tube and blowing a handful of them into the face and eyes of any opponent who was up close to their face. Once again, damage is Impairment, but damn, it'd hurt. (-/1 for 20. Enough for 4 attacks).
Guide To Ninja Weapons – Japan Truly
2025年3月6日 · Ashikagi or foot hooks used to walk on slippery surfaces, kick and stomp on enemies. Kadoyubi or tekagi or hand hooks or finger spikes were used for grass cutting, rice harvesting, worn on fingers to attack the enemy. Fukiya (Blow Darts) & Fukumi Bari (Sewing Needles): They were the optimal weapon for a ninja who wanted to hide himself from ...
Fukumibari - Wikipedia
I fukumibari (含針?) erano una arma utilizzata dai ninja del Giappone medievale. Erano piccoli aghi metallici che si nascondevano nella bocca del ninja, che venivano sputati in faccia all'avversario nella mischia [1]. ^ (en) William E. Deal, Handbook to Life in Medieval and Early Modern Japan, Oxford University Press, ottobre 2007, 415 p.
Glossary · 木隠 · Ninja, Ninjutsu & Martial Arts - kogakure
Fukibari 吹き針 Blow needles Ninja fighting technique in which small metal needles (fukumi bari) were blown into the attacker’s face. Fukiya 吹き矢 Blowgun and Arrow
Fukumibari — Wikipédia
Le fukumibari (含針?) ou fumibari est une arme utilisée par les ninjas du Japon médiéval. Il s'agit de petites aiguilles métalliques qui étaient cachées dans la bouche du ninja qui les crachait au visage de son adversaire au corps à corps. Le but était de …
2016年11月21日 · 24) Tensū o Fukumi-bari - Letteralmente “aghi”, usati in alcune scuole shinobi come armi da lancio, si doveva avere grande precisione e allenamento per un buon dominio dell'arma.
Buki to ningu – combat and shinobi tools | Bujinkan Huovi Dojo
— Hokaya: Three feet (0,91 m) long shôgungi, with both ends sharpened to speartips. — Nagayari / nagae-yari: Long spear; shaft over 3 m. — Tetsu yari | tetsuyari (iron spear): Shaft either reinforced with iron or made of it. — Sambonyari: Three spears of different length. — Fukumi-yari: Telescope spear.
Imago Fay: Armas Kunoichi - Blogger
2010年2月21日 · Agujas y dardos (Fukumi-Bari), cerbatanas (Auki-Bari), que podían lanzarlos sin ser vistas o clavar directamente en el cuerpo de sus víctimas. Los Tonki, dagas y cuchillos pequeños, dardos y otras armas afiladas como los Shuriken, Shaken o los Tetsubishi.
Fukumi-bari - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
Ninja — A practitioner of the Japanese medieval art of Ninjitsu. A ninja is an expert in espionage, martial arts and assassination. See Chunin, Fukiya, Fukumi bari, Jonin, Kunoichi, Ninjitsu, Shuriken and Tonpo … The writer's dictionary of science …
Définition de fukumibari | Dictionnaire français
2024年8月30日 · (Armement) Arme blanche employée par les guerriers shinobi du Japon médiéval, consistant en des aiguilles dissimulées dans la bouche et projetées vers les yeux de …
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