General Health Questionnaire - Wikipedia
The General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) is a psychometric screening tool to identify common psychiatric conditions. [1] It has been translated and validated in at least two languages in addition to English, including Spanish [2] and Persian. [3] The latter used in …
General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) - Statistics Solutions
Developed in the 1970s, the General Health Questionnaire is a method to quantify the risk of developing psychiatric disorders. This instrument targets two areas – the inability to carry out normal functions and the appearance of distress – to assess well-being in a person.
12项一般健康问卷 - GHQ-12评分方式与分界值
企业管理者若在员工定期体检中纳入 ghq-12,根据结果识别压力过大、可能出现职业倦怠的员工,适时调整工作安排、提供心理援助,有利于维持团队的高昂士气与高效产出。
Measure: General Health Questionnaire - Salesforce
The General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) is a self-administered questionnaire for identifying non-psychotic and minor psychiatric disorders, and was developed as a screening tool to detect those likely to have or be at risk of developing a psychiatric disorder.
General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) – MHPSS Knowledge Hub
A self-report screening tool used to assess for a variety of current mental disturbances. The questionnaire was originally developed as a 60-item tool (GHQ-60), but has since been revised into shorter versions—GHQ-30, GHQ-28, GHQ-20, and GHQ-12.
General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) - Mapi Research Trust
The GHQ focuses on the client’s ability to carry out "normal" functions and the appearance of any new disturbing phenomena. Designed for use by doctors, psychiatrists and researchers, the GHQ is ideal for use in community and non-psychiatric settings.
(PDF) The General Health Questionnaire - ResearchGate
2006年8月23日 · Background General Health Questionnaire-28 (GHQ-28) is a self-administered questionnaire for identifying non-psychotic and minor psychiatric disorders. It has been...
Developed in the 1970s, the General Health Questionnaire is a method to quantify the risk of developing psychiatric disorders. This instrument targets two areas – the inability to carry out normal functions and the appearance of distress – to assess well-being in a person.
The General Health Questionnaire 12 (GHQ12) - 1Library
The General Health Questionnaire 12 (GHQ12)17 was developed in the UK as a short form version of the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) which is itself an instrument designed to detect cases as opposed to non-cases of psychiatric disorder in both clinical and non-clinical populations (Goldberg, 1972).
Detecting psychiatric disorders in medical practice using the …
In this study we assessed the accuracy of the General Health Questionnaire in detecting psychiatric disorders in general medical out-patients. A total of 290 newly referred patients were interviewed with the Present State Examination. Prior to the interview, 112 patients completed the full GHQ-60, 1 …