Fungal infections in animals: a patchwork of different situations
The present article only highlights a selected list of infections caused by environmental fungi that can be encountered in animals, as well as zoonotic fungi that can be transmitted from animals to humans. Another area of veterinary significance is the presence of mycotoxins in animal feed, and the eventual risks of mycotoxicoses.
Mold and Mycotoxin Issues in Dairy Cattle: Effects ... - Extension
Fungal field diseases are characterized by yield loss, quality loss, and mycotoxin contamination. Management of crop production can reduce but not totally prevent the occurrence and concentrations of mycotoxins. Excellent silage management can reduce the incidence of …
The Composition of Fungal Communities in the Rumen of Gayals …
2019年12月5日 · The composition of rumen fungi in free-range ruminants such as gayals, yaks, Tibetan yellow cattle, and the domesticated Yunnan yellow cattle was investigated by sequencing an internal transcribed spacer region 1 (ITS1) using Illumina MiSeq.
Fungal Diseases of Bovines | SpringerLink
2021年6月23日 · In cows, the gastrointestinal tract (omasum) is the primary site of mycotic lesions caused by A. fumigates which produces mycotoxicosis such as gliotoxin and tremorgens that are toxic to cattle and cause deterioration, protein deficiency, malnutrition, diarrhoea, irritability, abnormal behaviour and occasionally death (Tresallet et al. 2010).
Silage review: Mycotoxins in silage: Occurrence, effects, …
2018年5月1日 · Ensiled forage, particularly corn silage, is an important component of dairy cow diets worldwide. Forages can be contaminated with several mycotoxins in the field pre-harvest, during storage, or after ensiling during feed-out. Exposure to dietary mycotoxins adversely affects the performance and health of livestock and can compromise human health.
Fungal and ciliate protozoa are the main rumen microbes …
2022年1月25日 · The DA analysis showed that ciliates, fungi, and pseudo-fungi were more abundant in cows with higher levels of methane emissions. Microbes associated with lower methane emissions were saccharolytic members of class Gammaproteobacteria (Anaerobiospirillum [37], Vibrio [38], or Pseudoalteromonas [39]), as well as …
Changes in structure and function of fungal community in cow …
2018年5月1日 · Aerobic composting is an effective bio-treatment to reduce pathogenic fungi and enrich beneficial microbes in the cow manure. The findings extend our understanding on the trophic modes and substrates utilization capacity of fungal community in composting process.
Mycotoxin Effects on Dairy Cattle - Team Forage
Many plant diseases result from field produced fungi. Examples include ear and stalk rot caused by Fusarium (also known as Gibberella), Diplodia, and Anthracnose, foliar leaf diseases caused by Helminthosporium, and smut caused by Ustilago.
Associative patterns among anaerobic fungi, methanogenic …
To this end, we investigated shifts in the ruminal ARF and methanogenic communities in both primiparous (n = 5) and multiparous (n = 5) cows as they transitioned from a high forage to a high grain diet upon initiation of lactation.
Fungal endometritis in bovines - PMC
2019年3月27日 · Various authors have reported the incidence of fungal endometritis in repeat breeder endometritic cows and buffaloes. Uterine culture along with the cytological examination of the uterine secretions considered being best way to diagnose this condition; however, endometrial biopsy can be used to access the efficacy of treatment to invasive yeast.
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