Create 3D models, characters | Download Adobe Fuse (Beta)
Create 3D human models and characters with Adobe Fuse (Beta). Easily import into Photoshop projects to pose and animate your new characters.
在 Photoshop 中使用 Adobe Fuse 资源
通过 Fuse CC,您可以使用各种选项轻松组合您自己的人物角色:具体包括身体部位、发型样式、服装道具以及衣料材质(如皮革、纯棉、金属和塑料)。
149-Lynda教程:Adobe Fuse CC零基础入门视频Learning Adobe Fuse CC …
149-Lynda教程:Adobe Fuse CC零基础入门视频Learning Adobe Fuse CC中英双语字幕共计30条视频,包括:00. 欢迎 (Welcome)、01. 选择一个头 (Choosing a head)、02. 修改头部 (Modifying the head)等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
Adobe Fuse - 百度百科
Adobe Fuse CC为用户提供极其庞大的高质量3D模型数据库,从角色的各个身体部位,到服装材质等都应有尽有。 在Adobe Fuse CC中,任何人都能够在几分钟之内创建一个3D角色模型。
Adobe Fuse(测试版)学习和支持
鉴于 Fuse 已从 Creative Cloud 中移除,所以由 Fuse 到 Mixamo 的直接上传功能将自 2020 年 9 月 28 日起失效。您可以通过手动导出并上传的过程,继续在 Mixamo 中使用 Fuse 人物: 将人物导出为 .obj 格式; 将 .obj、.mtl 和纹理合并为 .zip 文件; 直接将 .zip 文件上传到 Mixamo.com
Adobe Fuse (Beta) Learn & Support
Get started with Adobe Fuse (Beta). Find tutorials, the user guide, answers to common questions, and help from the community forum.
Adobe Fuse CC - Wikipedia
Adobe Fuse CC (formerly Fuse Character Creator) was a 3D computer graphics software developed by Mixamo that enables users to create 3D characters. Its main novelty is the ability to import and integrate user-generated content into the character creator.
Learn Adobe Fuse CC:The Basics - 龋齿一号GFXCamp
2016年5月5日 · Design your own 3D characters with Adobe Fuse CC—no experience needed. Fuse’s powerful features allow you to change the shape and weight of each facet of a character’s anatomy, and customize its hair color and clothing to suit your design. See how the new app makes it easy to build, outfit, and customize realistic-looking 3D human models ...
An Update on Adobe Fuse as Adobe Moves to the Future of 3D ... - Adobe …
2019年9月13日 · Fuse will be removed from Creative Cloud and will no longer be available for download starting on September 13, 2020. 3D characters remain an important aspect of many projects, and we plan to still have robust character workflows in the future.
Adobe黑科技之PS协同Fuse CC 制作3D角色动画 - 站酷ZCOOL
PS CC 2015.1更新后,英文版新加入的3D角色建模软件Fuse CC的基础教程来了,搬运工来让KelbyOne告诉大家如何使用Fuse CC 快速建立3D角色,然后如何在PS中使用设计好的3D角色,加入到平面作品,设置直接做动画。