T12K Air Transmitter - FutabaUSA
Six types of main wings and three types of tail wings are available for airplanes, multicopters and gliders. Functions and mixing functions necessary for each model type are set in advance at the factory. The 12K is operated by a 6.0 V/1,800 mAh NiMH battery. Model data can be saved to a micro SD card (SD: 32MB – 2GB, SDHC: 4GB-32GB).
T12K | 双葉電子工業株式会社 ラジオコントロール - Futaba
アッパーミドル機として高機能を搭載しながらビギナーにもお求めやすいプライシングを実現しました。 「T12K」は「まずはトレーナー機から」といったビギナーの方にはもちろん、「ミキシングやレートを細かくセッティングしたい」といった積極的なフライヤーにも納得して頂ける機能と操作性を両立しました。 2.4GHz T-FHSS Air 、 S-FHSS 方式. バックライト付きLCDとダイアル+プッシュスイッチによる各種設定:各種設定は、4方向のクリック操作付ダイヤルと …
Futaba T12K 12動遙控器(含R3008接收機) - dync
Futaba T12K 2.4 GHz + R3008SB模式2 除了12個比例通道和2個開關通道外,T12K系統還具有T-FHSS傳輸系統的廣泛遙測功能。 或者,調製類型S-FHSS(無遙測)可用。
2018年9月12日 · Thank you for purchasing a Futaba® T-FHSS Air-2.4GHz* T12K series digital proportional R/C system. This system is extremely versatile and may be used by beginners and pros alike.
View and Download FUTABA T12K instruction manual online. Digital Propotional R/C System. T-FHSS Air-2.4GHz. T12K remote control pdf manual download.
Futaba 12K 2.4GHz T-FHSS 14 Channel Radio System (Heli ... - HobbyTown
The Futaba 12KA 14-Channel Airplane Transmitter System combines ... first-class performance with incredible versatility to create a system that's easy to operate, yet feature-packed! This package has been developed specifically for airplanes, but can be programmed to operate helicopters, FPV drones, ...
View and Download FUTABA 12K instruction manual online. 14-Channel Digital Proportional R/C System. FASSTest-2.4GHz. 12K remote control pdf manual download.
Futaba T12K 12-Channel 2.4GHz Combo With R3008SB (Mode 2)
The Futaba 12K radio system offers a full 12 proportional plus 2 switched channels as well as extensive telemetry functions utilising Futaba’s well known T-FHSS transmission system, whilst also enabling non-telemetry use via the also included S-FHSS system.
Futaba T12K Transmitter - davesrce
This is the T12K Transmitter/receiver kit from Futaba. It includes the 14-channel (12 proportional, 2 switched) T12K Transmitter, your choice of either an R3001SB (heli only) or an R3008SB 8-channel receiver, an HT5F1800B Ni-MH battery pack and charger, and instruction manual.
新品futaba T12K 12通道航模遥控器2.4G 带3008接收机 双叶行货
futaba设备在使用充电器充电时,不要进行开机操作,可能会导致电源模块损坏。 新款T12K 2.4GHz采用了T-FHSS/S-FHSS AIR制式,14通道,支持双向通信系统。 发射机:T12K(T-FHSS/S-FHSS) 接收机:R3008SB 电池:镍氢发射电 HT5F1800B 国行T12K为英文说明书