FutabaUSA - What's life without a hobby?
Elevate your RC game with Futaba USA! Discover top Transmitters, Receivers, Servos, & Sensors. Trusted by enthusiasts & pros.
Hobby Radio Controls - Futaba
Today Futaba offers a full range of high-quality RC transmitter & receiver sets, standard and custom servo actuators, and high-performance gas powered engines for industrial and commercial UAV/UAS applications.
Products - FutabaUSA
FRID-1 Remote ID module (FRID-1) Futaba Japan has released FRID-1 remote ID module for the Japanese market. The FRID-1 is NOT certified for use in the US, nor does it comply with the requirements put forth by the FCC/FAA.
Homepage - Futaba
2025 Futaba Corporation of America - All Rights Reserved. Web Design by Proceed InnovativeProceed Innovative
Futaba - TOP | 双葉電子工業株式会社 ラジオコントロール
「GYD560 GYC480 HPS-CD701 S-CD400」が登場! 「2025 Futaba/OS 北陸中部地区ヘリコプター大会」エントリー開始しました。 カー用送信機「T6PV」ソフトウェアをアップデート …
Futaba RC Transmitters, Receivers, and Servos | Tower Hobbies
Futaba RC products have been responsible for countless world championships. Their innovative products start with the heart of Futaba – the RC transmitter. In addition to the modern pistol-grip RC transmitter for surface vehicles, Futaba also makes a feature-packed, 8-channel joystick RC transmitter for surface and air.
Our R/C Technology - FutabaUSA
Advanced Radio Control System for Sub-GHz Band. AdRCSS adds even more security to the already well-established FASSTest communication system.
Radio Contorol Hobby - Futaba Corporation
Futaba is the first producer of a pulse code modulation (PCM) type radio control system which satisfies the requirements of exactness and safty, and keeps on offering highly competent radio control equipment.
Futaba 12K 12-Channel Transmitter with R3008SB Receiver ... - Motion RC
Futaba 12K S-FHSS and T-FHSS 12-channel 2.4GHz Radio with R3008SB 8 channel Rx - FUTK9300 This is the Futaba 12K which combines first-class performance with incredible versatility to create a system that’s easy to operate, yet feature-packed! Available in systems perfectly matched for airplanes, helis and gliders, the.
Futaba - Gator RC
Futaba R7214SB– FASSTest Bi-Directional Communication System S.Bus/S.Bus2 Port and 14 Channels for Conventional System Receiver