Futera | Limited Edition Trading Cards
Limited Edition Sports Trading Cards from Futera, officially licensed by Liverpool, Manchester City, Arsenal and Olympique de Marseille.
足球球星卡科普之三足鼎立福特拉 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Futera 泰坦金属特卡(TItans) 由于福特拉的world football特卡种类实在太多了有接近30种左右,所以就选择了一些个人认为比较值得收藏的特卡种类供大家欣赏参考。
Futera 卡片已经创建了瓷器、天鹅绒、银、金、铂、水晶, 钻石, 和其他宝石等各种新型制作手段和工艺水平。 当今快速发展的数字环境 ,Futera 选择与时俱进的将传统和现代移动客户端的有机 …
Futera X Taddy 'The Lost Soccer Cards' | Futera
Futera x Taddy & Co. 'Prominent Footballers.' Series 2 & 3. Release date: August 2021. 2 cards per pack . In 2014 Futera worked with the fine detail, colours and size of the original Taddy & …
一文搞懂当前热拆的最新版福特拉足球球星卡 - 懂球帝
2022年4月22日 · 今年这款2021-22 Futera Unique World Football Soccer Cards福特拉足球卡盒的配置非常不错,不仅卡量多,Hit也不少,甚至还有1编卡的保证。 包含了大量的球员,从已退 …
HISTORY - Futera
Over the past two decades, Futera has honed its focus on premium level Limited Edition trading cards, featuring autographs, game-used memorabilia, and cards crafted with quality materials …
【讨论】长篇讨论Panini,Futera和Epoch - 百度贴吧
创新:Futera创造了足球球星卡历史上多个第一次,比如首先把编号引入足球球星卡,以至于第一个1编,并且one of one这个设计被球星卡产业广泛接受; 第一个用黄金,钻石,铂金来做球星 …
Futera Trading Cards - Guide to Value, Marks, History - WorthPoint
4 天之前 · Futera trading cards is a unique trading card brand based in the United Arab Emirates. It focuses on the Asian and European markets. Consequently, they primarily manufacture …
Futera - Wikipedia
Futera is a trading card publisher founded in 1989. It is a privately owned company, its main markets being Asia, Europe, Australasia, US, with commercial and operational bases located …
福特拉是哪国的公司? - 百度知道
2016年11月9日 · Futera品牌的球星卡被认为是世界上最有品牌质量的交易卡。 Futera生产的足球卡一直是业内和球迷收藏家最为叫好的品牌之一,创新和热爱的企 百度首页