SUS 这个词最近突然火了,没有人希望被这样说_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
最近有一个游戏火了,玩家经常说的 sus 也火了。 喜欢我们的英语视频的话,请关注我们!
Sus - Know Your Meme
"Sus" is an abbreviation for "suspicious" often used by players of the game Among Us when referring to those that are suspected of being an impostor. The slang term originally predates its use in the game but is used in the same context.
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The Rise of Sus: Unpacking the Mysterious World of Sus TikTok
2025年1月13日 · When a player is suspected of being an impostor, they are labeled as “Sus.” The term gained traction on TikTok, where users began creating content around the game, using the hashtag #AmongUs. However, as the trend evolved, the meaning of Sus expanded beyond the game, taking on a broader cultural significance.
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What Does “Sus” Mean? - MEFMobile
2025年1月3日 · When a player behaves suspiciously or is found in a compromising position, others often declare them “sus,” suggesting they have ulterior motives or are not to be trusted. However, before its association with Among Us, "sus" had already found its way into urban slang.
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Being Sus - Slang Meaning and Examples - FastSlang
Being sus is a term that originated from the popular game Among Us. It refers to someone who is acting suspiciously or behaving in a way that suggests they are hiding something. The term has since evolved to encompass a broader range of behaviors and can be used to describe anyone who is acting shady or untrustworthy.
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