(PDF) Pythagorean Fuzzy Power Average Operators
2016年12月1日 · Power average operator is extended to Pythagorean fuzzy environment, and Pythagorena fuzzy power avarage operator (PFPA), Pythagorena fuzzy power ordered weighted avarage operator (PFPOWA),...
最后,提出了基于毕达哥拉斯模糊幂 平均算子的决策方法,并通过实例说明了其可行性与有效性。 关键词:毕达哥拉斯模糊集;毕达哥拉斯模糊幂平均算子;幂平均算子;决策 中图分类号:O223;C934 文献标识码:A. 多属性决策在经济、管理、航空等领域有着广泛应用,是现代决策科学的一个重要组成部分。 科学、 有效地集成属性值是多属性决策的一个核心问题。...
An integrated fuzzy logic approach for valuation of power …
2025年2月28日 · Fuzzy rules formulation was centered on variable weighting values established through Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) approach. To diagnose the transformer incipient faults, a modified Duval pentagon methodology was employed in interpretation of the Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA).
Multi-attribute decision making for power Dombi operators under ...
2022年8月11日 · In this paper, we compare proposed two approach (I) Pythagorean fuzzy power Dombi weighted aggregation powers, and (II) PFN MABAC approach for MADM model with some existing Pythagorean fuzzy power aggregation operators such as Pythagorean fuzzy power weighted PFPWA (PFPWG) operators proposed by Wei …
An integrated fuzzy logic approach for valuation of power
2025年2月19日 · The accuracy and effectiveness of the established Modified Combined Duval Pentagon (MCDP) technique is high as compared to those of the Pentagon 1 & 2 and combined pentagon methods using the six IEC faults. Results from DOH/DOF evaluation have indicated that DGAF and DPF are more impactful relative to the other factors.
A Fuzzy Logic Model for Power Transformer Faults’ Severity
2020年2月24日 · To increase the reliability of the faults’ severity assessment of power transformers, a novel approach in the form of fuzzy logic has been proposed as a new solution to determine faults’ severity using the combination of gas level, gas rate, and DGA interpretation from the Duval Pentagon Method (DPM).
The fuzzy goal pro‐ gramming (FGP) is found an effective technique in handling the challenge of optimizing process performance under responses’ uncertainty [8‐11]. Further, Al‐Refaie et al. [12] expressed each quality characteristic by triangular fuzzy …
In optimization approaches such as assignment issues, transportation problems, project schedules, artificial intelligence, data analysis, network flow analysis, an uncertain environment in organizational economics, and so on, ranking fuzzy numbers is essential. This paper introduces a new fuzzy ranking in Pentagonal fuzzy numbers.
APEM | Vol. 15 | No. 3 - APEM journal
A pentagon fuzzy optimization model was formulated and solved to determine the combination of optimal factor levels at each element of pentagon response's fuzzy number. Two real case studies, i.e. wire-electrical discharge machining and sputtering process, were provided for …
Fuzzy Queueing Theory Research Papers - Academia.edu
This paper displays a multi-server queuing miniature in fuzzy condition. We accept the inter-arrival(entry) time and service(overhauled) time as pentagon fuzzy numbers, and the …
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