to silicone, fluorosilicones (FVMQ) have fluorinated side chains for good oil and fuel resistance. • Excellent thermal and heat stability properties • Outstanding cold flexibility when compared against other fluoroelastomers • Excellent weather, aging and ozone stability • Good resistance in oils and hydraulic fluids
Fluorosilicone O-Rings (FVMQ) | Engineered Seal Products - ESP Int
Fluorosilicone (FVMQ) o-rings maintain excellent high temperature stability while offering excellent resistance to petroleum oils and hydrocarbon fuels as well as diester base lubricants (up to 175°C). FVMQ is widely used in aerospace, jet fuel applications, engine gaskets, automotive emission control systems, fuel pumps and tank systems.
Fluorsilicone / FVMQ | O-Ring
FVMQ (Fluorosilicone) combines the good high- and low-temperature properties of silicone with limited fuel and oil resistance. Fluorosilicones provide a much wider operational temperature range than Fluorocarbon rubbers.
Fluorosilicone - FVMQ Rubber - Lavelle
Fluorosilicone (FVMQ Rubber) has better fuel and oil resistance than other silicone rubbers. Physical properties of fluorosilicone such as tensile strength, elongation and tear resistance are comparable to general purpose silicone rubbers. Generally, this material is designed for static sealing applications because of poor abrasion resistance.
Fluorosilicone O-Rings (FVMQ)
Fluorosilicone O-Rings is an elastomeric compound most often used in aerospace & automotive applications for systems requiring fuel and/or diester-based lubricant resistance up to 392°F.
氟硅橡胶 - 百度百科
FVMQ氟 硅胶O型圈 在保持有机 硅材料 的 耐热性, 耐寒性,耐高电压性,耐气候老化等优异性能的基础上,由于含氟基团的引入,它又具有有机氟材料优异的耐氢类溶剂,耐油,耐酸碱性和更低的 表面能 性能。 又称γ-三氟丙基甲基 聚硅氧烷。 一般分子链中还引入0.2%~0.4%乙烯基硅氧烷共聚改性。 无色透明高黏滞塑性直链高分子化合物,主链由 硅 和氧原子组成,与硅相连的 侧基 为甲基、 乙烯基 和三氟丙基,分子量在50~80万之间。 配合各种添加剂,可混炼成均相胶料。 …
A Comprehensive Guide to Fluorosilicone Seals - Harkesh Rubber
2021年9月25日 · Fluorosilicone or FVMQ is a premium and durable elastomer that has found applications in numerous industries. Some popular trade names for FVMQ are Silastic FSR, FE, FSE and Elastosil. It is quite similar to silicone rubber (VMQ) and offers excellent mechanical properties, temperature resistance, and chemical resistance.
氟硅橡胶 (FVMQ):理化性能、温度范围、硬度范围、颜色、应用
简介: 1.10 氟硅橡胶 (fvmq)1.10.1 分子结构 1.10.2 理化性能氟硅橡胶由于主链为半无机的有机硅结构,它在保持有机 硅材料的耐热性,耐寒性,耐高电压性,耐气候老化等优 异性能的基础上,由于含氟基团的引入,它又具有有机 氟材料优异的耐烃类溶剂,耐油 ...
Fluorosilicone (FMVQ) - Hanna Rubber Company
This product is used when you need the high temperature resistance of silicone rubber along with resistance to fuels, coolants and oils that would otherwise damage normal silicone. …
FVMQ rubber – Fluorosilicone rubber - PowerRubber.com
FVMQ rubber are fluorosilicone rubbers produced in the process of chemical reactions involving the fluorination of methyl-silicone rubbers. Fluorosilicone rubbers are more durable than ordinary silicone vulcanizers and have better physical and mechanical parameters.
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