Focke-Wulf Fw 190 - did it have a name? - Large Scale Planes
2023年5月16日 · Focke Wulf always named their airplanes after birds, e. g. Fw 58 "Weihe" (harrier) or Fw 189 "Uhu" (eagle owl), and the official Focke Wulf denomination for the Fw 190 was indeed "Würger" (shrike). The british called it "butcher bird" not only because of it's German name but also because when it first appeared in the skies over the English ...
FW-190D Books - which ones to buy? - Large Scale Planes
2012年10月1日 · I'm a huge Fw-190 fan. Which Fw 190D books should I buy? Alternative 1: "The Focke-Wulf Fw 190 Dora - Vol 1 and 2" by Jerry Crandall. Alternative 2: "Focke-Wulf Fw 190D Camouflage & Markings - Part I and II" by JaPo Are these book sets complementary to each other or totally overlapping? Should I by both sets? Need your advices on this one, guys.
1/32 Fw 190 D-9 from Hobby 2000 (Hasegawa rebox) - released
1/32 Fw 190 D-9 from Hobby 2000 (Hasegawa rebox) - released. By barkhorn September 20, 2023 in LSP ...
Zoukei Mura Fw-190 A-4 - LSP Discussion - Large Scale Planes
2023年3月8日 · VolksUSA is showing the Bf-109 G14 not the special Hartman edition, for $130.00. Far the assume the FW-190 A4 will be the same? Also what is any difference besides decals, in the 2 G14 kits? Hartman and one now listed for pre-order. Thanks Paul
Zoukei Mura FW-190A-4 JG 54 - Large Scale Planes
2023年12月5日 · As my Spitfire XIVe build is nearing its finish I going to start building the ZM FW-190A-4: I have some aftermarket already including the ZM 3D cockpit set, HGW seatbelts, Master armament set, AIMS decals for making masks, and TopNotch camouflage masks. I've already prepainted the parts with Tamiya AS-12 primer, so I'll be starting soon.
Best 1/32 Fw-190 kit? - LSP Discussion - Large Scale Planes
2010年1月28日 · If your asking what Hasegawa FW kit is the best they are all pretty much the same unless you find a really old tooled kit around. The A-5/6/8, F-8 and new tool D-9 kits are all great out of the box. The only issue is Hasegawa included late style dora wheels in their kits but there is nice aftermarket treaded wheels out there.
Interesting new book on FW 190 camouflage - Large Scale Planes
2023年1月5日 · Not up on my 190 stuff so not entirely sure what the deal is with this publication other than it seems like it's part one of four. I wish someone would give the A6M this kind of treatment. There's only two factories for this aircraft but I'd imagine the language barrier and surviving documentation (or lack thereof) are pretty tough to overcome.
Vailly FW 190 Build - RCU Forums - RC Universe
2007年11月12日 · I look forward to another Fw-190 thread[8D]. I have been thinking that i'm going to have to build myself a larger FW-190 than the one i'm working on now and the vailly is one i am looking into, so i will be watching your thread with interest. if only i could get a vailly F/G fuse out to Australia without the shipping costing more than the fuse!
Zoukei-Mura Fw190 Series In Development - Large Scale Planes
2014年8月10日 · The result is a new BASIC series that will use advanced molding technology to provide lots of details molded into fuselage interiors and other assemblies that would be provided as separate parts in the SWS series. The subjects coming in the Fw 190 series include: Fw 190A-3 (Basic) Fw 190A-4 (SWS) Fw 190A-5/6/7 (Basic) Fw 190A-8 (SWS) Fw 190D-9 ...
FW-190's of JG-54 Reference Photos - Large Scale Planes
2023年12月9日 · Rather than add these to my build log of the Zoukei Mura FW-190A-4 I thought this might be a better spot for these reference photos of JG-54 A-4's and A-5's (posted for educational purposes only): Cheers, Tom