Home - The Farmworker Association of Florida, Inc.
The Farmworker Association of Florida’s long-standing mission is to build power among farmworker and rural low-income communities, to respond to and gain control over the social, political, economic, workplace, health, and environmental justice issues that impact their lives.
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Area Offices - The Farmworker Association of Florida, Inc.
The Apopka FWAF office works with farmworkers and community members in Orange, Seminole, and Lake counties, where the current agricultural crops include foliage, landscape and ornamental plants; citrus, vegetables, mushrooms and, blueberries. Most of the community members are seasonal workers and live in the area with extended family year-round.
About Us - The Farmworker Association of Florida, Inc.
Established in 1983, the Farmworker Association of Florida (FWAF) is a statewide, grassroots, community-based, non-profit, farmworker membership organization with over 10,000 Haitian, Hispanic, and African American members and five offices in the state of Florida, working for social and environmental justice with farmworkers.
Farmworker Association of Florida - NFWM
The Farmworker Association of Florida (FWAF) does community organizing, education, and advocacy to build power among farm worker and rural low-income communities to respond to and gain control over the social, political, workplace, economic, health, and environmental justice issues that impact their lives.
Farmworker Association of Florida, Inc. (FWAF) - SCCAHS
The Farmworker Association of Florida (FWAF - https://floridafarmworkers.org/), established in 1983, is a community-based non-profit with more than 10,000 Haitian, Hispanic, and African …
Farmworker Association of Florida | Give Miami Day
The Farmworker Association of Florida (FWAF) serves thousands of Farmworkers in South Miami-Dade County and throughout the state. We are a grassroots organization built and led by farmworkers, for farmworkers. Our work includes educating farmworkers about their rights as...
FWAF logo - Food Chain Workers Alliance
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FWAF-logos-New-transparent-768x589 - HEAL Food Alliance
FWAF-logos-New-transparent-768×589. About. HEAL is a multi-sector, multi-racial coalition building collective power to transform our food and farm systems. We are led by our member organizations, who represent over 2 million rural and urban farmers, fishers, farm and food chain workers, indigenous groups, scientists, public health advocates ...
Farmworker Association of Florida - Food Chain Workers Alliance
A 30-year old, grassroots, community-based, farmworker organization with over 10,000 Haitian, Hispanic and African-American members, FWAF’s core strategy is to help farmworkers realize their power to be effective agents of social and personal change by validating the experience and understanding of farmworkers; building farmworkers ...