Epson PP-50 - 爱普生中国
爱普生 Discproducer PP-50,爱普生光盘印刷刻录机,光盘印刷刻录机,爱普生独有的微压电喷墨打印技术,6色墨水系统带来绝佳的光盘印刷品质。 为了更好的体验本站,请升级或更换其他浏览器进行浏览。
Epson PP-50II - 爱普生中国
爱普生光盘印刷刻录机DiscproducerTM PP-50II是爱普生2019年推出的新一代产品,以稳定的性能以及卓越的品质,轻松便捷地满足各行业对于CD/DVD/BD光盘的生产和复制的商务办公需求。
Discproducer Standard 50 Disc Publisher (PP-50) - Epson US
50 disc capacity; Highest quality printing in its class; Six high capacity ink cartridges with low ink level sensors; AcuGrip™ technology for reliable media handling; Publishes up to 15 CDs or 8 DVDs per hour; Easy access to media and inks; Economical to operate and maintain; Compact rugged construction for top reliability
Amazon.com: PP100 PP50 Ink Compatible for Epson PJIC1 PJIC2 …
2024年6月28日 · This set of six compatible ink cartridges for Epson DiscProducer PP-100 and PP-50 printers impresses with vibrant, accurate color reproduction. The inks deliver crisp, professional-quality prints, making them perfect for businesses that …
- 5/5(1)
Fasson® PP50 Clear TC is a topcoated biaxially oriented, co-extruded polypropylene film with excellent clarity. The surface has been modified for improved ink adhesion. This product has excellent moisture resistance and good diecutting and dispensing characteristics. S7400 is a clear, permanent acrylic adhesive.
| Фонд за здравствено осигурување на Република Северна …
Фондот за здравствено оосигурување на Република Северна Македонија ве известува дека почнува со постапката за склучување на договори/анекси на договори со Јавни здравствени установи за 2024 година и истото ќе се одвива по електронски пат, преку користење на веб порталот на фондот, со тоа што овластените лица …
金发® GFPP-50 | PP, Unspecified | 金发科技 (Kingfa)-阿技材料库
- Chemically coupled, 50% GF reinforced - Good mechanical properties - Detergent resistant. APPLICATIONS: - Injection molding - Household appliances’ parts - Structural frames
ВЕБ портал на Фондот | Фонд за здравствено осигурување на …
Правилник за начинот и користење, пристап, издавање, чување и заштита на податоците од информациониот систем на ФЗОМ достапни на веб порталот - пречистен текст 2021 година.
PP-50 Burn and print high-quality CDs and DVDs the easy and economical way. The Epson Discproducer PP-50 is fully automated, leaving you free to get on with other tasks while it reliably publishes up to 50 discs in one batch. It’s perfect for distributing information, archiving files and backing-up data.
Solution structure and function in trifluoroethanol of PP-50, an …
1995年5月10日 · PP-50, a synthetic peptide, based on residues 141-190 of the beta-subunit of mitochondrial F1ATPase, containing the GX4GKT consensus sequence for nucleoside triphosphate binding, binds ATP tightly (Kd = 17.5 microM) as found by fluorescence titration at pH 4.0. CD and 2D proton NMR studies at pH 4.0 …