Goldeye G-008 Cool TEC1 - Allied Vision
The Goldeye G-008 Cool TEC1 is the fastest QVGA resolution short wave infrared camera with GigE Vision interface that is optimized for scientific grade applications often requiring long …
Goldeye系列 - 短波红外相机 - 科研短波红外 | 大恒图像
Goldeye系列短波红外相机是德国Allied Vision公司推出的SWIR相机,高帧率,低噪声,多样化的分辨率,接口,滤光片及热电传感器冷却方式 (TEC1,TEC2,TECless)可灵活选择.
MDS-G-008-V2/221213 Page 3 of 80 Introduction Purpose The purpose of this guidance is to help medical device manufacturers to correctly classify their devices in KSA. Scope This guidance …
Goldeye G-008 是最快的 1/4 VGA 分辨率短波红外相机 (SWIR),配有 GigE Vision 接口。 这款相机全分辨率时最高帧速率 344 fps,其实现的红外成像检测能够改进硅晶圆的质量把控流程, …
ASW-G-08 巴巴托斯高达 - 百度百科
巴巴托斯高达, 动画片 《机动战士高达:铁血的奥尔芬斯》中的机体,主人公 三日月·奥古斯 的座机,也是该部作品的主要高达形机体。 高达巴巴托斯是大约300年前发生在 地球联邦 和火星 …
The Goldeye G-008 TECI is the fastest 1/4-VGA resolution short wave infrared camera (SWIR) with GigE Vision interface. With frame rates up to 344 fps at full resolution, versatile …
Goldeye G-008 TEC1 - Vital Vision Technology Pte Ltd
Goldeye G-008 TEC1 with FPA 320 × 256 | 30 µm | InGaAs runs 344.0 frames per second at 0.1 MP resolution. Goldeye cameras are equipped with InGaAs sensor technology making them …
Goldeye G-008 SWIR Camera | Allied Vision Technologies GmbH
Allied Vision’s Goldeye G-008 short-wave infrared (SWIR) camera is the newest camera in the Goldeye series. The Goldeye G-008 uses a QVGA InGaAs (320 x 256 pixels, 30 µm pixel …
[Goldeye G-008]-InGaAs-科学和工业相机-数据参数-(Allied Vision) …
光电查提供Goldeye G-008科学和工业相机品牌产品信息,包括Goldeye G-008科学和工业相机参数、图片、报价、规格书、生产厂商、数据资料等信息。 为您采购Goldeye G-008科学和工业 …
IR microscopy with short-wave infrared (SWIR) cameras Goldeye
The Goldeye G-008 is the fastest 1/4-VGA resolution SWIR with GigE Vision interface. With frame rates up to 344 fps at full resolution, versatile application fields can be addressed, and …