G级越野车 - 梅赛德斯-奔驰中国
全新G级越野车沿用高离地间隙、梯形车架非承载式车身、100%机械差速锁、刚性后桥和独立前悬挂。 可实现100%(45度角坡度)的攀爬能力,最小离地间隙247毫米;最大涉水深度700毫米;接近角31度,离去角30度,在35度的侧倾斜坡上仍可保持高稳定性。 为应对严苛地形,G级越野车搭载可100%锁止的前中后三把差速锁,让各个车轮能够独立转动,补偿因车轮速度不同而引起的转速差,并平均分配驱动扭矩。 启动低速越野挡(LOW RANGE),扭矩会被放大至2.93倍, …
极致的越野利器 实拍奔驰G 500 4×4 - 汽车之家
2017年3月19日 · 奔驰g500强大的秘诀在于:在公路上使用强大的全时四驱模式,在越野路上使用强大的分时四驱系统,把这两套强大的四驱系统集成在一起,一辆强大 ...
G-Class SUV - Iconic Luxury SUV | Mercedes-Benz USA
The G-Class SUV is both an off-road and a luxury icon. See design, performance and technology features, as well as models, pricing, photos and more.
The new Mercedes-AMG G 63 4x4².
The Mercedes-AMG G 63 4x4² combines the off-road DNA of the G-Class with AMG performance – uncompromising, extravagant & available for a limited period only.
Mercedes-Benz G500 4×4² - Wikipedia
The Mercedes-Benz G500 4×4² (or G550 4×4² in the United States and Canada) is a special edition of the W-463 Mercedes-Benz G-Class (1990–2018), built with portal gear axles and much larger wheels and tires, for greatly increased off-road capability.
Used Mercedes-Benz G-Class G 550 4x4 Squared for Sale Nationwide - CarGurus
Save $45,110 on a Mercedes-Benz G-Class G 550 4x4 Squared near you. Search over 3,200 listings to find the best local deals. We analyze millions of used cars daily.
The G-Class special models. - Mercedes-Benz International
For the G 500 4x4², no summit is too high, no riverbed too low. Where other vehicles give up, this G-Class sets new standards, as it combines many of the strengths ofits predecessors: An outstanding all-wheel drive train including the portal axles of the 6x6 - reduced by one axle -and a newly developed variable suspension installed in the ...
Review: Mercedes-Benz AMG G 63 4x4 Squared unlocks the off …
2024年2月2日 · The latest 4x4 Squared uses the AMG G 63’s twin-turbo 4.0-liter V-8 that churns out 577 hp and 627 lb-ft of torque, which is up 161 hp and 177 lb-ft over the G 550 4x4 Squared that used a...
越野怪獸邁向量產-M-Benz G 500 4x4今年底歐洲上市 - CarStuff
2015年6月22日 · G 500 4x42的售價為226,100歐元 (約合新台幣800萬元),定位介於AMG G 65與AMG G 63之間,動力源自4.0升V8雙渦輪增壓引擎,可輸出422hp的最大馬力及62.2kgm的最大扭力,受到偏重越野設定的底盤影響,0~100km/h加速需要7.4秒才能完成,比一般版的G500慢 …
2023 Mercedes-AMG G63 4x4 Squared First Look: Portal to the Past
2022年6月14日 · Reviving the zany 4x4 Squared in the G-Class's new chassis, this up-fitted G63 once again features a ludicrous ride height and widened stance. Those upgrades were largely thanks to a set of...