G-Flex is specialized in diagnostic and therapeutic accessories for the gastrointestinal and pulmonary market. We are offering high quality reusable and single use endoscopy instruments.
G-Flex. About; Community; Products; Newsletter; Contact; Contact. Rue de l'Industrie 20, 1400 Nivelles - BELGIUM +32(0) 67 88 36 65 Fax: ...
G-Flex is specialized in diagnostic and therapeutic accessories for the gastrointestinal and pulmonary market. We are offering high quality reusable and single use endoscopy instruments.
Enteral Feeding Device - G-Flex
Manufactured by G-Flex America Latina Ind. de Produtos Manufaturados LTDA. Especially meeting the regulatory requirements of ANVISA and FDA. PEG - PERCUTANEOUS …
G-Flex. About; Community; Products; Newsletter; Contact; Contact. Rue de l'Industrie 20, 1400 Nivelles - BELGIUM +32(0) 67 88 36 65 Fax: ...
G-Flex; Community; Products; Contact; Disposable & Reusable Biopsy Forceps. The Sharkbite2® family is our single-use model with jaws and we also offer a full range of oval fenestrated cup. …
Since 2015, G-flex is working together with the VDG, integrating social work with the logistic chain’s challenges, adapting all the internal processes to be able to include the employees of …
With the Precision® progressive dilation balloon, G-flex has brought the standard for stenosis dilation to a TOP level: Unique balloon offering a 3 ROX markers for perfect vision with a ring …
Tell us how was your experience with G-Flex and let us know how can we do better. G-Flex is always concerned by offering the best solutions for most diverse situations. So we welcome …
With the Ezyflex® Premounted Stent system, you have the facility to offer a complete ready to use solution to the stenting ERCP procedures. Beside, G-flex is offering one of the largest Stenting …