碧云天生物技术-DNA损伤检测试剂盒 (γ-H2AX免疫荧光法) (C2035S)
碧云天生产的DNA损伤检测试剂盒(γ-H2AX免疫荧光法),英文名为DNA Damage Assay Kit by γ-H2AX Immunofluorescence,是通过免疫荧光染色检测DNA损伤标记物γ-H2AX (即磷酸化 …
gamma H2A.X (H2AX)靶点介绍及实验小贴士| Abcam中文官网
因此,第139位丝氨酸磷酸化的H2AX,被命名为gamma H2A.X,已被广泛用作DNA双链断裂(DSBs)的标记,来指示双链DNA损伤和凋亡。 蛋白表达 在G1和S期表达。
H2AFX - Wikipedia
H2A histone family member X (usually abbreviated as H2AX) is a type of histone protein from the H2A family encoded by the H2AFX gene. An important phosphorylated form is γH2AX (S139), …
DNA损伤检测—你中意哪一个? - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
组蛋白2A变异体(H2AX)在DNA双链断裂损伤时可以发生不同的翻译后修饰,包括磷酸化、乙酰化、甲基化和泛素化。 当细胞发生DNA损伤时,H2AX的氨基酸保守序列发生磷酸化。 早有 …
γH2AX: a sensitive molecular marker of DNA damage and repair
2010年2月4日 · Phosphorylation of the Ser-139 residue of the histone variant H2AX, forming γH2AX, is an early cellular response to the induction of DNA double-strand breaks. Detection of...
Abstract: H2AX is one of the common variants of the histone H2A family, and its phosphorylation refers to the process of phosphorylation modification of histone H2AX in mammalian cells at its …
H2AX: A key player in DNA damage response and a
2024年6月1日 · H2AX is a well-known chromatin modification event in DNA damage response and human malignancies. H2AX phosphorylation (γ-H2AX) is necessary for DNA repair protein …
γH2AX as a marker of DNA double strand breaks and genomic
2019年7月3日 · Phosphorylated histone H2AX (γH2AX) is used as a biomarker of cellular response to DSB and its potential for monitoring DNA damage and repair in human …
DNA损伤标志物γ-H2AX及其在毒性测试应用中的研究进展 - 百度 …
当DNA受到攻击尤其是发生DNA双链断裂 (DSB)后,组蛋白H2AX的139位丝氨酸迅速磷酸化,生成磷酸化H2AX即γ-H2AX.γ-H2AX在DSB位点大量聚集并形成焦点,参与DNA的损伤修复,且γ-H2AX …
γH2AX:DNA双链断裂的标志 - 豆丁网
2015年9月16日 · H2AX 是目前国内外研究细胞 DNA 损伤应激反应的. 热点之一。 细胞在电离辐射或其他因素作用下直接诱导或. 是通过复制压力诱导形成的双链断裂(DSBs),以及细胞自 …