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The most-comprehensive AI-powered DevSecOps platform | GitLab
Automate software delivery, boost productivity, and secure your end-to-end software supply chain. What is GitLab? All the essential DevSecOps tools in one place. Automation, AI-powered workflows, and more. Security that’s built in, not bolted on. Say goodbye to cloud vendor lock-in.
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GitLab is an open source end-to-end software development platform with built-in version control, issue tracking, code review, CI/CD, and more. Self-host GitLab on your own servers, in a container, or on a cloud provider.
About GitLab | GitLab
We're the company behind GitLab, the most comprehensive DevSecOps platform. What started in 2011 as an open source project to help one team of programmers collaborate is now the platform millions of people use to deliver software faster, more …
5 月 28 日下午,极狐GitLab 在上海成功举办了基于 AIGC 技术且完全自研的 AI 产品发布会,正式推出驭码 CodeRider —— PC 原生的 AI 编程与软件智能研发助手。 发布会采取线上线下相结合的方式,线下有包括企业高管、高校教师、高校学生、媒体人员在内的 80 多位嘉宾共同出席参加了此次发布会,线上观看量超过 10万+。 极狐GitLab中文官网,提供企业级源代码管理,GitLab CI/CD,CodeReview,研发效能管理,GitLab DevSecOps等产品及服务。 GitLab一站 …
Why GitLab? | GitLab
GitLab helps companies manage the growing complexities of developing, securing, and deploying software. By reducing toolchain sprawl, teams on GitLab spend less time maintaining tools — equaling 7x faster cycles, better developer productivity, reduced software spend, and more time to focus on the features that set your business apart.
GitLab - 教程 - 菜鸟教程 - cainiaoya.com
GitLab是一个类似于 github 的服务,组织可以使用它来提供 git 存储库的内部管理。它是一个自托管的 Git 存储库管理系统,可以保持用户代码的私密性,并且可以轻松部署代码的更改。
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极狐GitLab CI/CD无需额外配置,开箱即用。 多种流水线支持不同场景、不同团队规模。 月度发版机制,保障CI/CD功能持续迭代。 研发效能指标可视化,及时发现瓶颈,快速矫正,同时为决策提供强有力的数据支撑。 从需求的拆分、管理、追踪再到交付,结合CI/CD,实现项目管理的敏捷开发,持续迭代,并快速交付更有价值的产品。 多种安全防护手段,覆盖软件开发全生命周期,构建纵深防御体系。 云原生能力的扩展帮助用户实现云原生的转型。 代码操作可安全审计,避 …
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