特克斯(Tex),简称特,旧称 公支,是一种 线密度 单位。 符号为tex,又称“号数”,是指1000 米长 纱线在 公定回潮率 下重量的克数,1tex=1g/km 。 它是 定长制 单位, 克重 越大纱线越粗,常用来表示纤维纱线。 纺织常用 计算公式 分为 定长制 计算公式和定 重制 计算公式二种。 2 朱天申主编. 东华大学老教授话穿着 [M]. 上海:东华大学出版社, 2013.10.34. 特克斯(Tex),简称特,旧称公支,是一种线密度单位。 符号为tex,又称“号数”,是指1000米长纱线在公定回潮率 …
线密度 - 百度百科
纱线 线密度是描述纱线粗细程度的常用指标之一,法定单位为特克斯(tex),即每千米(km)纱线(或单丝)所具有的公定重量(g)。纱线线密度决定织物的品种、用途、风格和物理机械性质。
dtex分特,cN/dtex(厘牛/分特),MPa兆帕,GPa吉帕的换算 - 纤维 …
Convert ktex to Gram/meter (Kilotex to Gram/meter)
How many Gram/meter make 1 Kilotex? Measurement calculator that can be used to convert ktex to Gram/meter (Kilotex to Gram/meter), among others. (Textile measurement)
Convert Kilotex (ktex) (Textile measurement) - Convert …
How much is 1 Kilotex (ktex)? Measurement calculator that can be used to convert Kilotex (ktex), among others. (Textile measurement)
Kilotex Calculator
Kilotex, also known as ktex, refers to the weight of yarn (in kilograms) per unit length (in meters). It serves as a fundamental parameter in yarn classification and is used to determine the thickness and density of yarns. How to Use the Calculator? Using the Kilotex Calculator is simple: Enter the weight of the yarn in kilograms.
tex、dtex、D 知识 - 百度文库
g/tex中的g实际上也指克重力,规范的写法应该为gf/tex。 常见的可以表征断裂强度的单位还有GPa(吉帕斯卡),MPa(兆帕斯卡)等。 上述两个单位和GPa的单位转换还需要知道材料的密度。 因为GPa是单位面积上的力,tex、dtex、d都是线密度(即质量/长度),线密度要换算面积,需要知道材料Fra Baidu bibliotek密度。 tex、dtex、D都是线密度单位,纺织业常用。 tex是特,指1000米长的纤维束的克数。 dtex是分特,指10000米长的纤维束的克数(纱线和纤维都很细, …
Yarn numbering system and textile conversions - Swicofil
Swicofil indicates the counts of their yarns by means of the Tex-System. Mass of yarn in grams per 1'000 meters length. Mass of yarn in grams per 10'000 meters length. Decitex is the count grading for filament and spinning yarns recognized by all international bodies in the man-made fibers industry. Mass in kilograms per 1'000 meters length.
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We are Gumkwang Textile, Co., LTD in South Korea. We are widely known as a 30+ year old renowned manufacturer of Nylon and Polyester Woven fabrics. our customers' needs and expectations continuously. We have an excellent certified QC team and system that meet the customer's standards and expectation at all time.
支持细度、重量、力、压力等单位的转换! 支持压强和强力单位的转换!