Home | SNMMI
The Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI), headquartered in Reston, Va., is a nonprofit scientific and professional organization that promotes the science, technology and practical application of nuclear medicine and molecular ima
Journal of Nuclear Medicine
The Journal of Nuclear Medicine (JNM)—self-published by the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI), a nonprofit, international scientific and professional organization—offers readers around the globe clinical investigations, basic science reports, continuing education articles, book reviews, employment opportunities, and ...
Procedure Standards - SNMMI
2025年2月5日 · The SNMMI Committee on Procedure Standards is continually developing new standards and reviewing and updating existing procedure standards.
结构嵌套受限平均时间损失模型的 G 估计,以估计时变处理对失效 …
结构嵌套模型 (SNM) 的 G 估计在估计时变处理的影响方面起着重要作用,并适当调整了时间相关的混杂因素。 作为失效时间结果的 SNM,已经开发了结构嵌套加速失效时间模型 (SNAFTM) 和结构嵌套累积失效时间模型 (SNCFTM)。 后一种模型包含在结构嵌套平均模型 (SNMM) 类中,并且不涉及人工审查,这会导致 SNAFTM 的 g 估计存在一些困难。 最近,受限平均时间损失 (RMTL),它对应于直到受限时间的分布函数下的区域,作为失败时间结果的适当汇总度量, …
The Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM) has written and approved these guidelines as an educational tool designed to promote the cost-effective use of high-quality nuclear medicine procedures or in the conduct of research and to assist practitioners in …
The SNMMI Procedure Standard/ACNM Practice Guideline for ...
2025年2月5日 · The SNMMI recognizes that the safe and effective use of diagnostic nuclear medicine imaging requires specific training, skills, and techniques, as described in each document. The SNMMI has written and approved these standards/guidelines to promote the use of nuclear medicine procedures with high quality.
SNMMI Procedure Standard for Bone Scintigraphy 4.0
2018年12月1日 · Bone scintigraphy is one of the most common functional imaging procedures performed in a nuclear medicine department. It is a sensitive diagnostic test for detection of both benign and malignant osseous abnormalities.
求助SRAM SNM仿真方法步骤 - Analog/RF IC 设计讨论 - EETOP
2015年7月29日 · 大意是两个反相器的电压传输曲线放同一个坐标里构成蝶形图,snm定义为蝶形图最大内接正方形的边长。 具体求法是把坐标轴旋转45度,两条曲线相减,得到的曲线最大值就是内接正方形的对角线长。
Identification of SNM based on low-resolution gamma-ray characteristics ...
2019年5月21日 · In this article, we proposed an effective algorithm that extracts characteristic information from low-resolution gamma-ray spectra of SNMs and identifies the types of SNMs through backpropagation (BP) neural network and template matching method.
Structural Nested Mean Models and G-Estimation: Part I
2020年7月15日 · The G (generalised) methods, developed by James Robins and colleagues - including structural nested mean models (SNMMs) (Robins et al. 1992), marginal structural models (Robins, Hernan, and Brumback 2000) and G-computation (Robins 1986), apply in both single and multi-stage treatment