British Airways Flight 38 - Wikipedia
The aircraft involved was a Boeing 777-236ER, registered as G-YMMM, with serial number 30314 and line number 342. It was built and delivered to British Airways in 2001 and powered by two Rolls-Royce Trent 895-17 engines [10] and had a seating capacity of 233 passengers.
G-YMMM British Airways Boeing 777-236ER - Planespotters.net
2001年5月18日 · Boeing 777-236ER with registration G-YMMM airframe details and operator history including first flight and delivery dates, seat configurations, engines, fleet numbers and names
英國航空38號班機事故 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
G-YMMM/GYMMM aviation photos on JetPhotos
2004年12月29日 · Note: G-YMMM (operating flight BA038 from Beijing) made a crash landing at runway 27L, Heathrow today. The aircraft came to a halt at the runway holding point after touching down 300 meters+ short of the landing zone. Note the rudder is used on...
Boeing 777-236ER - Federal Aviation Administration
2008年1月17日 · British Airways Flight 38, G-YMMM London, England January 17, 2008. On January 17, 2008, a British Airways 777-236ER equipped with Rolls Royce RB211 Trent 800 engines, landed short of runway 27L at Heathrow International Airport. The airplane was operating as Flight 38 from Beijing to London with 136 passengers and 16 crew members on board.
British Airways G-YMMM (Boeing 777 - MSN 30314) - Airfleets …
2001年5月18日 · British Airways G-YMMM (Boeing 777 - MSN 30314) details, operators, engines, seating, photos
英国航空38号航班事故 - 百度百科
虽然出事客机(G-YMMM)机龄只有6年。 但由于损毁严重,英国航空事故调查委员会发布的报告中已将飞机损害描述为「超出经济维修能力」,英航发言人亦证实飞机已作报废处理,肇事客机因而成为全球首架报销的波音777客机。 而客机亦在完成调查后被拆卸。 由于机长伯基尔(Peter Burkill)及副机长科沃德(John Coward)的出色表现,他们在翌日的记者会中都受到英雄式的欢迎,而且受到英航及各界高度赞扬。 日本航空002号班机-航机于东京至旧金山期间遇上恶劣 …
英国航空38号班机事故 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
该客机于2008年1月17日上午从 北京首都国际机场 起飞,在飞行10个半小时后,准备于伦敦希思罗进场降落时,机上两具 劳斯莱斯 Trent 895 发动机的推力在7秒内分别降低至慢车,所以飞机只得靠剩余 空速 滑翔降落,当时飞机还有20秒便着陆,离地只有122米。 由于当时飞机已失去动力,所以下降率比正常进场时大,当飞机掠过机场外的民房及汽车时最低离地高度只有6米,最后飞机在 伦敦希思罗机场 27L跑道前方1,000英尺左右之草坪上紧急着陆。
Accident Boeing 777-236ER G-YMMM, Thursday 17 January 2008
Whilst on approach to London (Heathrow) from Beijing, China, at 720 feet agl, the right engine of G-YMMM ceased responding to autothrottle commands for increased power and instead the power reduced to 1.03 Engine Pressure Ratio (EPR). Seven seconds later the left engine power reduced to 1.02 EPR.
英國航空38號班機事故 - zh.wikipedia-on-ipfs.org
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