Cog (G1) - Transformers Wiki - TFWiki.net
2025年1月27日 · Cog is the combined robotic form of Fortress Maximus's vehicular drones, Gasket and Grommet. Cog has no independent will of his (its?) own and is completely under Maximus's control. Functioning as both mechanic and warrior, he allows Fortress Maximus to be at other places while in city mode, as well as to interact with more normally-sized beings.
Cog (G1) | Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki | Fandom
Cog is an Autobot who appears in Transformers: War For Cybertron Trilogy. Chromia tells her squad to remain alert and to remember that retrieval is only half the mission. They have to bring it back to base as well.
Cog (Masterforce) - Transformers Wiki - TFWiki.net
2024年4月17日 · Cog is an Autobot drone from the Super-God Masterforce portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
变形金刚:G1简史 - 哔哩哔哩
后来汽车人发明了 变形齿轮 ( Transformation Cog ),获得了形态转换的能力,之后的战斗里霸天虎也进化出变形能力。在战争热烈进行的同时,历代的汽车人领袖也因在战争中受伤而死亡,而领导模块也被汽车人一代代的传了下来,最后传到了钛师傅的手中。
Security Officer (G1) - Transformers Wiki - TFWiki.net
2024年12月4日 · The Security Officer (aka Red Cog) is an Autobot security officer. It's his job to check to see if that scary noise in the darkened hallway behind everybody is, in fact, a rumble from a giant monster thing.
巨无霸福特 - 百度百科
G1世界的汽车人前八任领袖分别是 创天君 、镇天威、 捍天尊 、 竞天择 、 御天敌 、 擎天柱 、 通天晓 和 补天士。 G1玩具53厘米,泰坦归来58厘米,头领战士原设定:500米! 隐者战士原设定:30—40米! 时刻准备战斗,为了追求和平。 介绍:英勇,无畏,作为战士巨无霸福特无可匹敌……但是他最大的理想却是追求和平。 只有在别无选择的时候才会进行战斗,相信暴力最终带来的只有破坏,丝毫不能解决任何问题。 他的头部战士原本是 星云星 的首领伽林,后来由于伽林 …
Lego Transformers #95: G1 Cog - YouTube
2023年11月27日 · Subscribe to my Patreon here:https://www.patreon.com/StScFollow me on:Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/studentscissors/Twitter:https://twitter.com/Student...
2021年4月2日 · 日版G1动画《微型地带z》(Transformers: Zone)OVA中铁甲龙被霸天虎新的首领—招魂魔( Violen Jiger)改造成了九大将军之一的恐龙将军(DINOSURER)。造型变化很大,动画也没有出现过变形形态。
Cog (1987) - Autobot - www.tfu.info
This figure was available with Fortress Maximus (1987), Cerebros (1987), and Spike (1987) in 1987. This figure was reissued in the Encore line with Encore Fortrees Maximus (2013), Encore Cerebros (2013), and Spike (1987) in Japan in 2013.
Deluxe Class Cog (WFC-S8) (Transformers, War for Cybertron - Siege ...
Transformers Collector's Guide: Deluxe Class Cog (WFC-S8) (Transformers, War for Cybertron - Siege, Autobot): realtime price guide with history, pictures, and info for all parts, weapons, accessories, instructions, and specs.
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