G101c Developers Description: G101c is a Graphic Black and White Rapid Acces Developer for Graphic Art applica tions, based on Hydrochinon an d Phenidone developing agentsin an alkaline envi ronment. Applications: Used for Developing Recording-, Camera-, Contact films. Used in combination with: Replenisher: G101c
Graphic Film - ECO3
Our assortment includes Alliance film for use in a wide range of imagesetters, Digidot red-sensitive film for recorders with HeNe or red diode lasers, G101c developer and G333c fixer. Whether it is positive or negative film, film for plate making, screen printing or some other application, we have a solution for you!
Agfa Developer Concentrate G101C - UK Graphics Supplies
AGFA g101c developer is a rapid access developer for graphic art applications. Based on developing agents in an alkaline environment.
G101c – BGD Graphics
These small silver crystals, in combination with forced-up sensitizers and with the use of fine tuned, highly selective developing agents, create a superb emulsion.
Ficha técnica g101c by MONICA MARTI - Issuu
2003年2月26日 · G101c Uso de la sustancia o preparado: Concentrado de revelador fotográfico. Sociedad/empresa: Agfa-Gevaert, S.A.U Sede Social ------------------------C/Provenza, 392 08025 Barcelona Telf:...
Alliance Camera CE is an universal type and can be developed in all RA-and hard dot dedicated chemestries. Photograp. prop. Time : 30sec. Dmin : 0.040. Red light. Recommended : EncapSulite R10 or 1A safelight filter. 20°C (68°F) and a relative humidity between 30% and 60%.
Agfa G101c Developer - SAO NAM
Hóa chất Agfa G101c được sử dụng cho các phim chế bản; Sử dụng kết hợp với Agfa G333c Fixer; Nhà sản xuất: Agfa
Agfa developers (G101c and G3231c) can they be used for non …
2009年11月18日 · I just acquired a LOT of boxes containing Agfa C101c and G3231c developer. The limited information I could find indicates that they are for lith film? Some information says "rapid processing" is this the same as lith film? What effect would the developer have on for example TMAX 100 in 4x5 sheets?
这是agfa爱克发显影液g101c,每桶:10l,适合线路板上富士/柯达菲林.的详细页面。 加工定制:否,用途、适用行业:PCB线路板。 1.AGFA爱克发显影液,适合PCB线路板上用,每桶:10L,发外省只能发物流自提,量大可以物流送货上门。
Product name: G101c Product No.: 000001015769 1.2 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Identified uses: Photographic developer concentrate Uses advised against: Reserved for industrial and professional use. 1.3 Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet Manufacturer Agfa Graphics NV Septestraat 27