Best ammo for pt 24/7 g2 9mm? - Taurus Firearm Forum
2013年8月3日 · If the G2 is anything like it's predecessor, it will digest most anything you feed it, it you do a good cleaning on it first, and it may run a little rougher during the first 50-100 rounds …
PT111 G2 and +P Ammo - Taurus Firearm Forum
2014年9月17日 · I've got some Winchester Ranger "law enforcement" 124 gn ammo that I bought some years ago that I want to keep my G2 stoked with as a house gun. The carton says this …
Preferred ammunition for PT111 G2? 110 115 124 135 147?
2017年5月29日 · I find that my G2 likes 115 grain Win SZT ammo, but Hornady 115 grain XTP ammo only shoots a litle bit larger groups. I picked up some Colt 115 grain copper hollow …
Ammo recommended for G2C? - Taurus Firearm Forum
2018年7月23日 · Although we'd both had great success and performance outta each in actual combat. The 1911 given its size is a little cumbersome for concealed carry in my opinion. The …
What's the best ammo for the pt111 g2 | Taurus Firearm Forum
2018年12月9日 · Both my g2's have been reliable out of the box,I cleaned them good before use even tho they came out of the box dry.my pt-1911,92, 111g2,g2c,605ss,605 all came dry.my …
Best Defense Ammo for a PT111 Millennium G2. - Taurus Firearm …
2017年11月5日 · I remain of the opinion that specific choice of self-defense ammo, as long as it functions, is the least important factor in the outcome of an actual gunfight. YMMV Several …
Ammo recommended for G2C? | Page 2 | Taurus Firearm Forum
2018年2月16日 · The "only" ammo my PT111 G2 has had a problem with is Winchester White Box. I shoot primarily Federal Champion 115gr Brass for practice and Hornady Critical …
Millennium G2 pt111 9mm Jamming - Taurus Firearm Forum
2015年2月6日 · I just purchased the Millennium G2 pt111 9mm. I also purchased perfecta 9mm ammo just to put some lead down range. I have not been able to fire any ammo yet. Having a …
pt111 G2 jamming - Taurus Firearm Forum
2015年12月26日 · Along with some of the others, I recommend the UpLula, it's a great investment. When I first got my PT111 G2, I loaded both magazines full and left them that way …
PT111 and +P Ammo - Taurus Firearm Forum
2016年9月14日 · OK guys. I have started testing SD ammo in my G2 in anticipation of receiving my CCW permit at any time. One type of ammo I want to test is the Hornady American Gunner …