P53 status, and G2/M cell cycle arrest, are determining ... - Nature
2023年7月5日 · Increasing expression of P53, P21 and decreasing CCNB1, induction of cell G2/M cycle arrest, and consequently increase in the cell size can be suggested as one of the main mechanisms of...
Crosstalk between Plk1, p53, cell cycle, and G2/M DNA damage
2021年12月9日 · To uncover the mechanism of Plk1-depletion-induced G2/M arrest in cancer cells and the critical role of p53, we developed a computational model by extending our recently developed model of...
Regulation of the G2/M transition by p53 - PubMed
2001年4月5日 · Repression of the topoisomerase II gene by p53 helps to block entry into mitosis and strengthens the G2 arrest. In summary, multiple overlapping p53-dependent and p53-independent pathways regulate the G2/M transition in response to genotoxic stress.
Regulation of the G2/M transition by p53 | Oncogene - Nature
2001年4月5日 · Repression of the topoisomerase II gene by p53 helps to block entry into mitosis and strengthens the G2 arrest. In summary, multiple overlapping p53-dependent and p53-independent pathways...
p53 controls both the G2/M and the G1 cell cycle checkpoints and ...
When p53 is expressed at a level comparable to that induced by DNA damage in other cells, most MDAH041 cells arrested in G1, but a significant fraction also arrested in G2/M. Cells released from a mimosine block early in S phase stopped predominantly in G2/M in the presence of p53, confirming that p53 can mediate arrest at this stage, as well ...
G2/M DNA 损伤检查点 | Cell Signaling Technology
最近的数据显示,p53 调节的 WIP1 磷酸酶在癌症中对 DNA 损伤信号转导具有重要的阻断作用。研究人员发现在人体癌症中,p53 通常会发生突变,提示这个检查点是肿瘤形成的重要屏障。
Crosstalk between Plk1, p53, cell cycle, and G2/M DNA damage …
To uncover the mechanism of Plk1-depletion-induced G2/M arrest in cancer cells and the critical role of p53, we developed a computational model by extending our recently developed model of mitotic cell cycle 9 and incorporating the crosstalk of Plk1, p53, G2/M DNA damage checkpoint, and associated regulators. We then used the model to ...
G2/M检查点,p53和肝癌 - 简书
2018年11月26日 · G2/M检查点,p53和肝癌. 细胞毒性的化疗对晚期癌症来说是最主要的治疗方法,并且化疗试剂会通过大量的DNA伤害trigger凋亡,这些损伤的DNA不能进行有效的DNA修复。我们也知道有些HCC展现出对化疗或放疗的抵抗。
Role of p53 in G2/M cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in ... - PubMed
PA-1, the only cell line found to express wild-type p53, showed the highest susceptibility to accumulate in G2/M and the strongest apoptotic response after irradiation. In this cell line irradiation resulted in an unequivocal accumulation of p53 protein and in …
The p53-p21-DREAM-CDE/CHR pathway regulates G2/M cell …
2016年1月8日 · The tumor suppressor p53 functions predominantly as a transcription factor by activating and downregulating gene expression, leading to cell cycle arrest or apoptosis. p53 was shown to indirectly repress transcription of the CCNB2, KIF23 and PLK4 cell cycle genes through the recently discovered p53- …