Boone & Crockett Scoring Terminology - G2, G3, Deer Antlers
2008年1月15日 · What's a G2 on a deer's antler? What's an abnormal point? How do you measure a buck's main beam? Learn about Boone and Crockett Terms for scoring deer antlers.
Why is it Called a G2? | MeatEater Wired To Hunt
2013年6月30日 · Section A is number of points on each antler, Section B is the tip to tip spread and it turns out that the area in which you tally each tines length is called the G section. So section G-1. is where you write in the length of the first tine, section G-2. is where you insert the length of the second tine and so forth and so on.
What Does G2 Mean In Deer Hunting – PrecisionOutdoors
2022年10月20日 · G2 refers to the second- largest tine on a deer’s antlers. The term is most often used when discussing whitetail deer, as they are the most common type of deer in North America. Antler size can vary greatly from deer to deer, and even within the same species, so the G2 tine is not always the second-largest.
How To Score A Deer - Bowhunting.com
2022年10月6日 · Each tine sticking up is referred to as a “G” plus whichever number it comes in order starting from the base of the main beam. So the brow tines, are also known as the “G1”, which means the next tine will be the “G2”, and so on. Typically with a whitetail deer, the G2 and G3 are the longest tines, but that isn’t always the case.
Tines on a Deer: What You Need To Know - The Survival Doctor
2024年2月15日 · Points on a deer are labeled as G1, G2, and so on, depending on the animal’s number of antlers. The brow tines are known as G1 on the antler score of a deer. Hunters seek whitetail deer that have healthy brow tines, so the G1 spot on the score sheet isn’t bare.
The Ultimate Guide To Brow Tines: Understanding This Crucial …
2024年12月29日 · The brow tine, designated as G2, is the first and most prominent antler tine, located above the burr on the main beam. Its length, mass, and spread contribute significantly to antler scoring. The brow tine is also known as the second point or first side point, reflecting its importance in assessing antler symmetry and conformation.
How to Score a Buck in 5 Easy Steps - Wide Open Spaces
2023年10月25日 · G2: Generally, the first large tine and usually the longest. G3: The next antler in line. If the deer is a six-point buck, there's no G3 or G4. To score the full tine length of a deer's rack, begin with one side of your deer's antlers and move the process to the other to finish.
Field Scoring a Deer 101 - BuckScore
2017年11月21日 · The easiest point to reference tine length is the ear base to tip measurement. By estimating how much longer or shorter each tine length is (G1, G2, G3, G4, etc.) than the ear measurement of 7-8 inches, you can quickly gather a rough sum of the tine measurements.
What is a g2 on deer antler? – TipsFolder.com
What exactly is a deer antler g2? The first point on an antler is referred to as G1. This is usually the brow tine’s location (the G1 is missing if the brow tine is missing). The next tine is G2, followed by G3, and so on (see photo above). Why do deer tines have the name G?
Can You Speak Deer Antler Lingo? Here’s a Quick Guide
2023年8月3日 · The H1 is taken between the antler base and brow tine (G1). It’s the smallest circumference between these points. The H2 is the smallest circumference between the G1 and G2, and so on—along the main beam between each of the subsequent tines.