Garmin G3000H™ | Integrated Flight Deck for Helicopters
G3000H™ Integrated Flight Deck for helicopters is a VFR/IFR-capable system with features such as high-res displays, centralized touchscreen controls & more.
Garmin G3000® | Integrated Flight Deck
G3000® is a factory equipped, fully integrated flight deck featuring an intuitive touchscreen interface, SVT™ synthetic vision technology & more.
Garmin unveils its new, industry-leading integrated flight deck: G3000 …
2024年10月16日 · Setting a new standard in integrated avionics, Garmin’s G3000 PRIME redefines the flight deck experience with sleek, intuitive, all-touchscreen displays and a highly flexible open system architecture that seamlessly adapts to serve a broad and dynamic market.
NOTE: Operate G3000 system power through at least one cycle in a period of four days of continuous operation to avoid an autonomous system reboot. ures of the system more easily. It is not intended to be
Garmin推出集成全触摸屏和自动着陆功能的G3000 Prime航空电子 …
2024年10月23日 · G3000 Prime 旨在减轻飞行员的工作量并简化驾驶舱程序,其直观、先进的界面可让飞行员和副驾驶员同时互动。 只需轻轻一按即可访问地图、图表、天气和交通应用程序,而滑行道路线和“紧急返回”功能等功能也减轻了驾驶舱机组人员的负担。
Garmin G3000 - Wikipedia
The Garmin G3000 (also G3000H and G2000/G5000) is an avionics interface system designed by Garmin Aviation for light turbine aircraft. [1] The integrated touchscreen system contains multiple glass cockpit displays for operating a synthetic vision system and …
Garmin推出第三代集成驾驶舱G3000 Prime和新平视显示器GHD …
2024年10月16日 · G3000 Prime 已根据 FAA 技术标准订单获得批准,采用 14 英寸触摸屏主显示屏,配备更强大的处理器、更大的屏幕空间和无边框玻璃。 这些显示屏取代了传统的主飞行显示器和多功能飞行显示器。 触摸屏控制器被显示面积增加 40% 的辅助显示屏取代,这些显示屏还可以用作备用显示屏,无需单独备用。 Garmin 更新了 G3000 Prime 的用户界面,以提供更加直观和用户友好的体验。 其中一个例子是链接视图,它允许飞行员查看辅助显示屏上的变化如何影响 …
Garmin G3000: Flight Levels Above G1000 - Aviation Consumer
2016年8月11日 · The G3000 was designed out of the gate as a three-screen touch suite (two PFDs and one MFD, with full reversionary backup), presumably answering the call for something a bit more modern for aircraft with multi-million dollar price tags.
佳明Garmin G3000航电系统将用于F-5战斗机和AT-802U轻型攻击机
2022年11月3日 · Garmin G3000 开放式架构支持与各种任务设备的集成,包括军用传感器、头盔显示器和先进的电扫描雷达系统。 G3000 拥有一个大面积高分辨率飞行显示器,可与 F-5 现有的任务计算机无缝连接,实现高级测绘、战术无线电功能、雷达显示等。 非专有界面、基于软件的人机界面 (HMI) 和任务集成将可以在未来快速部署新技术,同时提供最新的通信、导航、监视/空中交通管理 ( CNS/ATM)能力。 L3Harris ForceX 任务计算机与各种军用传感器、通信设备和武 …
Introducing G3000H: Integrated Flight Deck for Part 27 VFR/IFR …
2018年5月24日 · Introducing the G3000H, an IFR-capable integrated flight deck specifically designed for Part 27 turbine helicopters. The forward-fit G3000H offers a number of features, including WAAS/SBAS, ILS approach capability, VFR and IFR helicopter charts and Connext wireless integration.
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