G3000H™ Integrated Flight Deck - Eker Aviation
Intuitive, centralized data entry and high-resolution glass displays with split-screen capability, HSI mapping and voice-controlled radio selection bring new levels of efficiency to helicopter flight deck management
SITUATION INDICATOR (HSI) The Enhanced Map HSI is designed to increase situational awareness by overlaying additional information onto the HSI display. Just as the HSI provides increased information compared to the directional gyro, the Enhanced Map HSI further improves the HSI by allowing greater information to be conveyed within the primary
Garmin G3000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Daher TBM 930 190-02047-02 Rev. A Warnings, Cautions & Notes WARNING: Do not use SurfaceWatch™ information as the primary method of flight guidance during airborne or ground operations. SurfaceWatch does not have NOTAM
Garmin® introduces the G3000H integrated flight deck to the Part …
2018年5月23日 · an HSI map. The G3000H touchscreen interface boasts superior in-flight features and benefits that reduce pilot workload, providing this class of helicopters with the best situational awareness tools available on the market today. “The G3000H blends a superior feature set and safety-minded technology
Introducing G3000H: Integrated Flight Deck for Part 27 VFR/IFR …
2018年5月24日 · Introducing the G3000H, an IFR-capable integrated flight deck specifically designed for Part 27 turbine helicopters. The forward-fit G3000H offers a number of features, including WAAS/SBAS, ILS approach capability, VFR and IFR helicopter charts and Connext wireless integration.
航校常用的佳明G1000航电系统,你了解多少? - 知乎专栏
该表的单位为 英尺/分钟 (FPM), 数字刻度间隔1000FPM, 短线刻度间隔500FPM,指针处为 当前升降率,升降率>100FPM,指针内显示数字。 HSI位于屏幕底部中央,两种显示模式,即HSI 360°显示模式和HSI ARC 140°弧显示模式。 在360°模式下,它看起来像一个标准罗盘。 若想转换罗盘显示模式,则按软键PFD - 360HSI / ARCHSI即可。 HSI顶部白色倒三角箭头指针为 航向指针,数字框读数为当前磁航向; 航迹偏离指示器 和 航迹指针 显示了飞机与预选航迹的相对位置 …
G3000 System Version 3305, lots of goodies and new Hardware?
2019年10月2日 · Enhanced HSI The Enhanced HSI is a pilot selectable feature designed to increase situational awareness by overlaying the following additional information onto HSI display: Map; Safe Taxi data; Flight Plan; METARs; NEXRAD; Weather Radar; …
TXi Touchpoint: Not Your Average HSI | Garmin Blog
2020年12月29日 · In addition to TXi series flight displays, select HSI mapping features and functions are available with G1000® NXi, G3000® and G5000® integrated flight decks, as well as our GI 275 electronic flight instrument. To learn more about our HSI map, and all of our safety-enhancing aviation solutions, visit Garmin.com/aviation.
Garmin G3000H Flight Deck - Helis.com
2018年5月24日 · The forward-fit G3000H offers a number of features, including WAAS/SBAS, ILS approach capability, VFR and IFR helicopter charts and Connext® wireless integration. It’s also equipped for ADS-B In/Out, offers visual approach guidance and an HSI map.
Avionics Advancing Slowly but Surely into the Future
2024年12月2日 · Now, the G3000 Prime flight deck is bringing touchscreens to integrated flight decks with 14-inch edge-to-edge touch displays in the primary and multifunction display positions and improved pilot...