ACOG on G36/SL8 | HKPRO Forums
2017年12月15日 · Most ACOG are build with the AR15 platform and nose to charging handle position in mind, so they have a very short eye relief. That can be an issue to mount and have …
New LaRue Tactical QD Mount on My G36 (A Review of Sorts)
2008年12月6日 · I recently posted a pic of my G36 conversion sporting a Trijicon TA31RCOM4 ACOG on a Knight's Armament G36 short rail. Even though the setup was a HUGE …
Best/favorite irons and/or optics setup for G36? - HKPRO Forums
2012年11月30日 · I have been playing around with a few ideas for my G36 built, but it seems the cheekweld height on a G36 compared to the rail height is a little...off. So far I have been …
Optics on a sl8 to g36 | HKPRO Forums
2011年12月27日 · A Acog with a piggybacked micro red dot also works great. Ineptocracy (in-ep-toc’-ra-cy) - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least …
G36C & ACOG Problem | HKPRO Forums
2011年5月20日 · I have a G36C conversion with an ACOG TA11F mounted on it. I tried to sight it in this past weekend and the elevation was fine but left to right I had issues. At about 50 yards …
G36 optics - HKPRO Forums
2007年8月25日 · sight it in and see how it works, i think that it will work just fine seeing as the acog can mount on an a2 ar15 carry handle which is just as high if not more. they design the c …
BelOMO 4x17 optic | HKPRO Forums
2023年8月18日 · Selling the PO 4x17 I have on my G36. Essentially a Slav ACOG, 5.56 reticle. Sits ultra-low, designed especially for guns like the G36 where optics naturally sit a bit higher. …
What Zero Range ACOG TA31 ? | HKPRO Forums
2008年5月4日 · if i'm not mistaken, the acog is designed to zero at 100 meters, you use the lower parts of the reticle for bullet drop compensation btw i want some double stacked 10 rd mags lol …
My Tbostic G36 with IDZ stock - HKPRO Forums
2013年3月16日 · The IDZ stock for the G36 costs between $550-$700.00 here. Occasionally they pop up on Gunbroker. I was lucky enough to get mine through a German business associate …
Initial Thoughts and First Range Impressions of TBT G36k
2018年12月16日 · The fact that the 1.5-6x eye relief seems to be ALMOST as bad as a 4x ACOG (while on 6x) doesn't help either. -An IDZ stock should fix both the cheek weld and length of …