Heckler & Koch G36 - Wikipedia
The Heckler & Koch G36 (Gewehr 36) is an assault rifle designed in the early 1990s by German weapons manufacturer Heckler & Koch. It is chambered in 5.56×45mm NATO, and replaced the heavier G3 battle rifle chambered in 7.62×51mm. [1] . The G36 was accepted into service with the Bundeswehr in 1997. [2] .
The G36a Oxygen Analyzer is a stand alone box. It is suitable for modular system integration like the G3500, but with the de-cisive improvements described above. is built for panel mounting. This is Green Instruments’ first panel mounted analyzer and it will be able to replace a number of old systems that need to be exchanged.
Inert Gas Oxygen Analyzing Systems - Green Instruments
Our G36a and G36p oxygen analyzers are customizable and suitable for many applications. They provide extra benefits such as a touch-screen interface, a galvanically separated and stronger analog signal, trend graph display, data logging, and optional pressure compensation.
The G36 Oxygen Analyzer can be used to measure the content of oxy-gen in N2 or CO2 based inert gas, in stack gas, or in connection with exhaust gas recircu-lation (EGR). The G36 Oxygen Analyzer uses a zirconia sensor. The zirconium dioxide sensors have long been established as industry standards.
GREEN INSTRUMENTS氧气分析仪G36a - 气体分析仪器
G36a氧气分析仪可定制,适用于多种应用。 它们提供了额外的好处,例如触摸屏界面、电隔离和更强的模拟信号、趋势图显示、数据记录和可选的压力补偿。
ORH-G36A_Orient (奥伦德)_ORH-G36A中文资料_PDF手册_价格
G36自动步枪(英文:G36 Assault rifle [1],德文:Gewehr G36,又称为:G36突击步枪),是德国黑克勒-科赫集团公司(HECKLER & KOCH Group [2],简称:HK公司)1995年推出的现代化第三代 突击步枪。 该枪采用导气自动方式,枪机回转式闭锁机构,折叠枪托。 除枪管外,机匣、护木、枪托、背带环和握把均由黑色塑料制成,使全枪重量大幅度减轻。 全枪结构简单,便于操作,左、右手射手均可使用。 该枪发射5.56毫米北约制式枪弹,初速约920米/秒,点射射速 …
G36a氧气分析仪可定制,适用于多种应用。 它们提供了额外的好处,例如触摸屏界面、电隔离和更强的模拟信号、趋势图显示、数据记录和可选的压力补偿。
Our G36a and G36p oxygen analyzers are customizable and suitable for many applications. The G36a oxygen analyzer is a standalone box for modular system integration. It is part of the unit but can also be purchased as a spare part. The G36p, on …
Green Instruments G36a & G36p Oxygen Analyzers
The Green Instruments G36a and G36P are customizable oxygen analyzers, suitable for use in a wide range of applications. The G36a and G36p provide extra benefit such as a touch-screen interface, a galvanically separated and stronger analog signal, trend graph display, data logging and an optional pressure compensation.