G36C - Call of Duty Wiki
The G36C is an assault rifle featured in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Find Makarov: Operation Kingfish, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3: Defiance and Call …
G36C - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Guide - IGN
The G36C is the compact version of the German made G36 Assault Rifle with a smaller barrel for CQB. It has a medium rate of fire and medium recoil. This is a pretty solid gun to choose if you...
G36C| 武器リスト | MW3 研究所
H&K社製のアサルトライフルG36の派生モデル。 G36K(Kurz)よりも更に小型なタイプでCはCompactのこと。 初期から使える銃としてはM4、SCARなどに比べると若干リコイルが気 …
the HIDDEN "G36C" is INSANE in Modern Warfare 3! Gun Conversion! (MW3)
2023年10月10日 · The Classic COD4 MW G36C AR returns to Call of Duty MW3! Enjoy my ... I converted the MW3 Holger 26 LMG into the Classic G36C Assault Rifle in Modern Warfare 3!
G36C, ACR 6.8, MK14, AK-47, and FAD - MP1st
2011年11月17日 · In today’s guide, we feature the last 5 unlocks in the assault rifles tier, G36C, ACR 6.8, MK14, AK-47, and FAD. Click here in case you missed the first 5 assualt rifles, …
[MW] Opinions on the G36c? : r/CallOfDuty - Reddit
2016年9月12日 · In MW3, it's very similar to the ACR statwise and even has some merits over it (it's raise/drop speed for example is insanely low; easily beating out every primary weapon in …
Modern Warfare 3 G36C is smooth as butter (MW3 in 2022)
2022年8月18日 · In this video, I use the G36C Assault Rifle in Modern Warfare 3 IW5 Plutonium Multiplayer in 2022! The MW3 G36C is the best version of the G36C in Call of Du...
ACR or G36C : r/mw3 - Reddit
2012年8月17日 · Based on flat-out statistics, the G36C. Same # of bullets to kill, about the same range, but the G36C has a higher rate of fire (The ACR's 705 RPM compared to the G3's ~795 …
G36C - Wow : r/mw3 - Reddit
2012年5月8日 · After finishing up the M16, I decided to try out the G36C. Comparatively, it's an entirely different world, but after being used to doing burst fire for so long, the G36C is a …
MODERN WARFARE 3 added the G36C Assault Rifle and it's …
#mw3 #Coquiclass #CallOfDuty Enjoy this new MODERN WARFARE 3 G36C Assault Rifle UPDATE! SUBSCRIBE if you are new to the channel! LIKE and COMMENT! What would you …