ACOG on G36/SL8 | HKPRO Forums
2017年12月15日 · Can anyone provide me their testimony and insights on using an ACOG on a G36 clone? How's the cheekweld and eye relief? What model if ACOG do you use? I'd like to see some pictures of your setup as well. Most ACOG are build with the AR15 platform and nose to charging handle position in mind, so they have a very short eye relief.
Initial Thoughts and First Range Impressions of TBT G36k
2018年12月16日 · I wanted to give a detailed overview of my initial thoughts and first range time report on my new G36k (T36k) pistol from TBT… I received this G36k pistol from TBT right around Thanksgiving. It is a complete German parts kit (minus the …
HK G36突击步枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2007年6月27日 · G36 是 德国 黑克勒-科赫 公司 (H&K)在1995年推出的 现代化 突击步枪 ,发射 5.56×45毫米北约 制式 子弹 ,用来取代同为H&K公司产品的 G3 步枪。 G36大量采用了以不锈钢为骨架的玻璃钢加强复合材料,因此武器重量较轻。 [1] 在开发阶段其型号为 HK50 。 黑克勒-科赫在1980年代已向德军提交了 G11 及 G41 ,但前者因两德统一而中止,后者则被德军否决。 1990年代, 德国联邦国防军 提出新的制式步枪计划,以取代 7.62×51毫米 的 HK G3 。
简单的说一下G36k这把枪 - 百度贴吧
g36k总体来说只能算还行,点射不错,但是没有ak系列好用,扫射也不错,也没有m4系列好用。 双弹夹第一次换蛋不算快,第二次换蛋蛋疼死,不过打小图团战估计也换不了两次蛋。
Heckler & Koch G36 - Wikipedia
The Heckler & Koch G36 (Gewehr 36) is an assault rifle designed in the early 1990s by German weapons manufacturer Heckler & Koch. It is chambered in 5.56×45mm NATO, and replaced the heavier G3 battle rifle chambered in 7.62×51mm. [1] . The G36 was accepted into service with the Bundeswehr in 1997. [2] .
Good G36K loadout? : r/PhantomForces - Reddit
Just looking for a good G36K loudout, right now I’m using Z-POINT, R2 SUPPRESOR, VERTICAL GRIP, and the laser. I would suggest any sight of your choice, compensator, angled or Stubby Grip and laser or green laser. Here’s a versatile load out. Acog. Compensator. Angled grip. Canted delta sight.
Heckler & Koch G36K - SWAT Survival | Weapons | Tactics
As with the HK MP5, the G36 uses a modular design, which allows it to be reconfigured quickly. Its hammerforged barrel is free-floating, which enhances accuracy. As with the G3, it can be stripped for maintenance without tools, using a cross-pin system.
G36C & ACOG Problem | HKPRO Forums
2011年5月20日 · I have a G36C conversion with an ACOG TA11F mounted on it. I tried to sight it in this past weekend and the elevation was fine but left to right I had...
G36C 突击步枪 - R6S百科 | 虹彩六號:圍攻行動 - huiji.wiki
在一段长时间内G36C一直被淹没在 R4-C 的光环下,为了鼓励装备多样性,在燃烧地平线行动期间育碧将R4-C的 ACOG 移除,G36C成为Ash唯一可装备ACOG的武器。 Y5S3更新瞄准镜后,G36C也失去了ACOG,但还是凭借 转角握把 和 1.5倍镜 有一批忠实玩家。 ↑ G36 自动步枪,枪 …
SL9 SD 微声狙击步枪 - 枪炮世界
该枪发射的 7.62×37mm亚音速弹采用一个缩短的5.56mm 弹壳,装上一个Lapua B416全被甲尖顶弹头。 弹头直径 7.83mm,重13g,每发7.62×37mm亚音速弹重19.8g。 在100米处可穿透三级防护的防弹衣。 但就目前已公开的资料来看,该设计似乎还没有脱离原型阶段,没有订单,也没有投 …
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