G3k | HKPRO Forums
2009年12月30日 · The G3K with A2 stock would probably be better to shoot but not so compact/cool looking. The shorter barrel made more noise/blast and with the lower lower cyclic rate reminded me a bit of the sound of an M60. I think the G3K is a better full auto gun than the G3 but the HK33 or 33K is a better full auto rifle than both of them....
G3K Belt Fed Build From 80% Receiver | HKPRO Forums
2024年11月19日 · The idea is to build this SBR with HK21 feed mech, G3K front end, and some modern touches like burst housing, modular handguard, welded picatinny rail and modified MG3 drum attachment. For compliance, make sure to have Form 1 approved in hand before starting and stay within 922R. For major parts, you would need:
G3K Clone Question | HKPRO Forums
2024年11月17日 · I would like a G3K clone for my sear pack. I am looking at two options and would like some guidance. The options I have come up with are: 1. Get an FMP G3 parts kit, PTR reciever, and RCM barrel. Have someone like PCS build it into a G3k 2. Buy a PTR rifle like the PTR91 GI and have it...
Suppressed G3k? | HKPRO Forums
2008年9月12日 · Anyway, I recently had a guy tell me with great confidence that he and others use a #9 LP when shooting their G3K's with a suppressor. Apparently a #17 LP is the magic bullet for shooting a G3/91 with a suppressor. I believe that's common knowledge. Anyway, I own a G3K and I plan on testing the #9 LP in the near future.
Review and cost of making a HK G3K from a HK91? - HKPRO Forums
2012年7月18日 · The splines/indents can be "moved" (cut off, thread the inside and then attach on the threaded barrel). The G3K barrel was looked at (assume is RCM who makes nice barrels) but by the time I take a nearly new German HK91 barrel out of a German HK91 and replace with a US barrel one could also sell the HK91 and do a clone build or post ban receiver (the SAR8's were looking interesting for that ;-).
G3K BBL length VS. HK51 BBL Length | HKPRO Forums
2008年4月13日 · Bottom line on the G3K and the 51 is going to be personal preference. I personally love my 51, but I can see the appeal of the G3K as well. Especially as a gun for open country like when I was at Ft Rich(Richardson) outside of Anchorage. I would have loved to have a G3k up there. Probably would have taken a couple of elk with it as well.
HK G3K by Big50 AKA Mark Galla of Arizona Precision Arms
2004年10月10日 · The 33K is SBR'ed and the G3K has a long 53 style flash hider on it to make it 16". Here is a close up of the nice sling stud work done. This is a mark of a quality job as most builders throw a big old blob of weld onto the stud. The cut down cocking tube retains the tapered front end to free float the barrel, also the mark of a quality build.
Likelihood we will see a G3K MKE clone? | HKPRO Forums
2025年3月9日 · You can buy a G3K clone from one of the many builders around here. Their works are labors of love and the money you pay goes back into our industry. Or you can wait indefinitely and speculate with others when something foreign and rifle caliber will be imported. If you're luckier you'll get something Turkish and working.
Help me decide g3k or HK53 | HKPRO Forums
2016年12月16日 · The G3K will be easier to get built. The 33 flats have dried up completely and unless you know someone with a stash, that's out. There are a few stashed receivers out there that you might find that someone will part with for about …
HK G3k parts question - HKPRO Forums
2010年7月23日 · G3K uses an HK33/93 cocking tube (a G3/91 tube can be cut down). It also uses a G3K #18 locking-piece and an HK33/93 hanguard. Other than that, all other parts as the same as the G3. Note that the triple-frame has grenade laucher ring on the front... different than the HK91 or 93... so you will need to purchase the correct one.