G43 vs G42 | Defensive Carry
2015年4月21日 · I now pocket carry the G43 daily in a Recluse Square holster and notice zero difference from carrying the G42. To me the G42 only wins in capacity. With the magguts …
Range visit G42 and G43 | Defensive Carry
2024年3月1日 · Range visit over lunch. Took the repaired Glock 42 for a test run. Ran flawlessly. Also removed the grip sleeve and re centered the rear sight due to the grip change. G42 on …
Range Visit - Defensive Carry
2024年2月24日 · Nice range visit today. Glock 42, Glock 43, and Ruger Single Six for fun. Ball anmo only today. Comparing how I shoot the G42 vs the G43. Your mileage may vary. Lot of …
CM9 vs Glock 43 size comparison: not much real-world...
2015年5月5日 · G42: Everything I said about the G43 except it is even easier to shoot. The G42 is a great addition to any collection and its size and low recoil make it a great shooter that is the …
G43 vs lc9s | Defensive Carry
2015年5月31日 · The PPS also has a capacity advantage over the G42 and newer G43, as well as my LCR 38+P with only 5 rounds. Some think that the G43 only having 6 shots is a real …
SIG P938 vs GLOCK 43 - Defensive Carry
2015年8月18日 · I own a Sig P938 and was looking into getting a g43 but ended up with a g42 because I decided I wanted a .380 and the G42 was a softer shooter than the g43 (rented both …
Glock 42 Under Appreciated Carry Option | Defensive Carry
2024年9月14日 · The Glock 42 is an under appreciated carry option. Glocks are known for almost revolver like reliability. The G42 size and high bore axis exhibit significantly reduced felt recoil …
G42 for pocket carry? - Defensive Carry
2017年7月24日 · The G42 is smaller than a Shield, mostly because the handle is shorter, though the barrel is shorter and the 42 is slightly thinner as well. It's slightly larger than a P238, but …
Looking for a softer shooting 380 subcompact | Page 4 | Defensive …
2020年2月20日 · Tightwad said: The Shield .380 EZ and Glock G42 are easily the number #1 and #2 Choices for new female shooters at our Club. I would say that if you shoot the G42 better …
G42 vs PPK | Defensive Carry
2023年3月25日 · Headed to the range to compare how well I shoot these 2 platforms. Federal American Eagle ball ammo. First shots at 5 yards. G42 on left, PPK on right. 12 of 12 on target …