Glock G43x vs G26 | Glock Talk
2019年4月23日 · I bought the G43X, really tried hard to like it, but i finally went back to my G26. The mag in the 43x hung down from the grip to far for my liking. Under recoil, i was noticing the VERY annoying corner of the 43x mag digging the hell …
G26 vs G43x - Glock Talk
2023年6月6日 · The G26 is very accurate, reliable and durable. The G43X is a nice gun too. Its slim profile makes it convenient to carry and it’s also easy to control, although the slim profile concentrates recoil more in the web of your hand. The downside is the grip is basically as long as a G19. I have a G43x, but prefer the G26.
Brief Comparisons / Measurements on G26.3 versus G43X
2022年11月23日 · Here's another somewhat useful comparison between the 2 more recent Glock Models, those being the G26.5 & G43X. ( Similar to the comparison I Posted above, yet updated to include the Gen. 5 G26, as opposed to the older Gen. 3 G26. ) Hopefully someone may find it useful. Best, Dom P. LINK:
Glock 26 vs Glock 43X - Glock Talk
2019年6月27日 · I like the G26 due to the fact I can keep a 10 round mag in her for concealment, but carry a 15, 17, 19, 22, or 33 round mag for a reload. Honestly tho I tote a G26 with the 10 round mag in her and a 15 round reload. With that said, I will have a couple G48's before the year is out. I like the single stack width but G19 length.
43x vs 26. Which shoots better for you? | Glock Talk
2019年4月7日 · I shoot both with the same end results (G26-4 & G43X), so i cant really compare them differently, other than ergonomics and size. I find i like the grip of the G43X better, its fits my hand better. But i dont shoot with any other different results. I …
S&W Bodyguard 2.0 vs G43X? | Glock Talk
2025年1月27日 · Sure I could go to the S&W BG 2.0, but even then we're still talking 10-12 rounds vs 10 in the G43X as is. No giant advantage in my book over the 43X. 😥 If I stick w/ the G26 I CAN (and HAVE) still pocket carry it, but it's still bulkier @ the end of the day, ABOUT the same weight, and does take larger capacity 9mm mags. 🤔
Glock 43X and a Glock 26 | Glock Talk
2022年11月14日 · The G43X is 5.04" tall compared to the G26's 4.13". I never owned a G43X (though I had a G43), but I did have a G26 and a Shield which is only 4.6" tall, and it was enough to NOT conceal better than my G26 OWB at the 2:30-3 o'clock position where it was a wash (and totally concealed).
G26 vs G43x | Page 2 | Glock Talk
2022年9月18日 · G26 vs G43x. Tags g26 g30 g30 g30sf g30s glock .45 magazine g30 glock 30 .45. Jump to Latest Glocktalk is ...
G26 vs G43x vs G30 - Glock Talk
2020年9月19日 · Dave and Susie make some good points but for me the G26/G27 doesn’t hide significantly better at 3:30 IWB carry. I get less printing when bending over but the thickness is still there for normal body positions. The slimmer pistols like the G43X and P365 do make a difference especially if carrying in the appendix position.
S&W Bodyguard 2.0 vs G43X? | Page 2 | Glock Talk
2005年12月8日 · Probably going to run with the 43X with the factory mags for now. Like it being thinner in the pocket and less bulk than the G26, even if it's more mags to achive the same thing I run with the G26 (x1 12 round G26 mag, and x1 G19 15 round mag for 27 rounds) have to run x3 G43X mags to get to 30 rounds).