G4S Global
G4S has a global Risk Consulting capability offering trusted security advice. The Group's Care & Justice services businesses are concentrated in the UK and Australia where we have built significant knowledge and expertise. We support our knowledge of global security trends with a deep understanding of our customers' unique needs.
G4S - Wikipedia
G4S is a British multinational private security company headquartered in London, England. [3] The company was set up in July 2004 when London-based Securicor amalgamated with Danish firm Group 4 Falck. The company offers a range of services, including the supply of security personnel, monitoring equipment, response units and secure prisoner ...
杰富仕 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
杰富仕 (英語: G4S)是一家大型保安公司,G4S前身為Securicor,於2004年與Group 4 Falck合併,改名為G4S。 [3],提供安保全面解决方案(安全360)、保安、保镖、安全系统和技术、活动和会展安全方案、物业管理、现金全面管理(现金360)、ATM维护、贵重物品押运、惩教等服務。 2020年末, GardaWorld 和 Allied Universal 宣布打算收购该公司 [4][5],2021年2月G4S被Allied Universal收购,并从伦敦证券交易所和哥本哈根证券交易所退市 [6][7],同年4月交易完 …
Who we are | G4S Global
G4S is the world's leading global, integrated security company specialising in the delivery of security and related services to customers across six continents.
Our history | G4S Global
For nearly 120 years, G4S has strategically acquired businesses and grown organically to become the world’s largest security company. Our history starts with the evolution of multiple companies in Denmark, Sweden and the United Kingdom.
探访全球最大安保公司总部:业务触角遍及115国 - 新浪网
2014年7月31日 · 英国国家审计部门称,g4s作为英国司法部第二大电子监控标签的承包商,通过虚报电子监控标签使用量的方法,骗取政府的钱。据报道,在奥运会期间,g4s把一些已经死亡或在监狱里面关押的罪犯计入到监控范围里,向政府多收数千万英镑费用。
G4S - 維基百科,自由嘅百科全書
G4S (LSE: GFS 、 OMX: G4S)係一間國際安全解決方案供應商,目前係全球第一大保安公司,亦係全球最大嘅私營僱主,目前喺全球125個國家有65萬7千名G4S員工; G4S係 英國 上市 嘅國際 保安 公司 [3],提供安保全面解決方案(安全360)、保安、保鏢、安全系統及技術、活動及會展安全方案、物業管理、現金全面管理(現金360)、ATM機維護、貴重物品押運、以及懲教等服務。 G4S嘅前身係1901年喺 丹麥 哥本哈根 成立嘅Falck、1935年喺英國成立 …
G4S Risk Management Group is the specialist protective services business within G4S Limited, operating across its entire international network of more than 90 countries. We help protect our customers by designing and delivering cost efficient security solutions which offer maximum protection to their employees, assets and their reputation.
Allied Universal Acquires G4S plc; Creating A Global Integrated ...
G4S is a leading global security company, specializing in the provision of security services and solutions to customers. Its mission is to create material, sustainable value for our customers and shareholders by being the supply partner of choice in all our markets. G4S is active in around 85 countries and has 533,000 employees.
G4S United Kingdom
G4S provide integrated security services and products for a wide range of organisations and events across the UK. As a world-leading security system supplier, G4S combine innovation and quality guarding to provide a full end to end solution combining cutting edge technology with high-class manpower services.