G600? - Car Forums and Automotive Chat - Automotive Forums …
2003年8月6日 · G600? G-Class Car Forums . Our Community is 940,000 Strong. Join Us. Automotive Forums .com Car Chat > ...
Timing Marks for '90 Corrado G60 - Car Forums and Automotive …
2005年12月16日 · I need some serious help. I'm changing the timing belt in my '90 Corrado G60 and I don't have the timing marks diagram. I need to get my car on the road asap, but Napa and other stores around my area don't carry the super expensive books. Anyone out there who could help a girl get her car back on the road?
1995 g20 van fuses - Car Forums and Automotive Chat
2007年4月27日 · Automotive Forums .com Car Chat > Chevrolet > Express | G Van > 1995 g20 van fuses . 1995 g20 van fuses ...
2000 Intrepid Dash Removal - Car Forums and Automotive Chat
2005年9月9日 · In order to remove the trim around the stereo/ climate controles you will need to pop off the trim around the shift nob. You don't have to remove it but do pop it up. First, put your car into neutral and press the ebrake so it doesn't roll. There are no screws holding the trim down. Simply pull up on it.
Turn signals and headlights - Car Forums and Automotive Chat
2025年1月22日 · I saw a new car whose driver used left turn signal. The right headlight is on and the left headlight is off while the left turn signal is blinking. I don't know the make and model of the car. It was daytime and not nighttime. Is the left headlight supposed to be on while the left turn signal is blinking?
2004 aveo radio code - Car Forums and Automotive Chat
2007年12月30日 · Your code is supposed to come on a card that was given to you when you bought your car, but if you dont have it... This worked on a 2004 with the CD/MP3 deck. I cannot verify that these codes will work in any other application. Others have reported success with these codes though. 1. Turn on CD Player 2.
ls v8 2000, cold = won't start - Car Forums and Automotive Chat
2006年12月9日 · Hi, i have a lincoln ls v8 2000, when the weather is cold, the car crank, but won't start... if i plug the bloc heater the car start without a probleme. I need to start the car every 3 or 4 hours if i want to be sure the car starting (if i can't plug the heater)... Please help me !!!
2003 tracker power window - Car Forums and Automotive Chat
2014年10月10日 · 2003 tracker power window Tracker Car Forums . Our Community is 940,000 Strong. Join Us. Automotive Forums ...
2000 Jxi- No Spark - Car Forums and Automotive Chat
2005年12月21日 · Problem was the distributor/coil pack. This was replaced on the car 1/26/04 at 68,000 miles and went bad again 12/20/05 @ 78,000 miles. It was a NAPA part that my non-dealer shop put in, so they got the part warrantied, and pro-rated the labor for me. Cost me $100 for labor, and $86 to tow the car, of which I will get $50 back from Allstate.
2000 Bravada - Car Forums and Automotive Chat
2007年6月9日 · Automotive Forums .com Car Chat > Oldsmobile > Bravada > 2000 Bravada . 2000 Bravada. tlane276. 06-09-2007 ...