mnemonic for hemolysis in G6PD deficiency? - Student Doctor …
2004年6月2日 · G6PD hemolysis = pyramethamine, sulfonamide, nitrofurantoin, ibuprofen, isoniazid, primaquine, chloramphenicol, aspirin. "the PYRAMID SELLFONE of the nitroFURRED PROfessor was lost IN PRIMARY CHLORINE ASPHALT" ---courtesy of Greets fr. nyc
Does G6PD Deficiency Cause Gout? Mechanism? - Student Doctor …
2009年6月7日 · My professor has written G6PD deficiency, but neglected von Gierke's disease (G6P deficiency) in a list of causes of hyperuricemia. This leaves me with one of two conclusions: he missed von Gierke, or he made a mistake and wrote G6PD deficiency instead of G6P deficiency. Uptodate on G6PD deficiency does not mention gout.
G6PD and gallstones | Student Doctor Network
2005年3月18日 · With G6PD deficiency, you get both intravascular and extravascular hemolysis. The oxidatively damaged hemoglobin precipitates and forms heinz bodies, which can lead to cell death by themselves. This intravascular hemolysis dumps lots of …
USMLE CCS step 3 Tips and Tricks discussion - Student Doctor …
2019年5月19日 · 30. G6PD deficiency 31. Constipation, hypercalcemia, primary hyperparathyroidism 32. Pregnancy with asymptomatic bactiriuria 33. Back pain due to osteoporotic fracture – compression fracture 34. Bipolar disorder 35. Plulmonary embolism 36.
the official COMAT shelf thread | Student Doctor Network
2012年7月21日 · - They loved G6PD deficiency - A lot of tanner stages and puberty/adolescent development questions - A large portion of questions were about little babies, like first month of life - Not many specific drug questions, mostly just identifying the appropriate tx by drug class.... "treat with B-lactam Abx", etc. - A few hyperbili questions
USMLE OFFICIAL NBME 20 - Questions & Answers - Student …
2019年3月25日 · Finished the test and my review today. A little bummed to see questions repeated from the retired NBME exams. There were a couple I missed that I would really appreciate an explanation for as I haven't been able to find much in …
Pediatrics: NBME 1 and 2 thread | Student Doctor Network
2014年12月9日 · G6PD deficiency Sickle cell disease HUS Iron deficiency Thalassemia Bloody diarrhea + hemolysis + low platelets = HUS. This patient probably had enterohemorrhagic E. Coli (O157:H7 blablabla) colitis. The picture of icterus, anemia, and increased reticulocytes showed you hemolysis was occurring.
Step 3 Exam Recalls | Student Doctor Network
2001年11月20日 · I am starting this thread in an attempt to get a compilation of recalls together from those who have taken the exam. Please, those of you who have recently (or not) taken Step 3 please post the CCS cases you remember and more importantly some questions that you remember having. I will...