BMW 7 Series (G70) - Wikipedia
G70 is the internal designation for the seventh generation of the BMW 7 Series, a range of luxury cars produced by the German luxury vehicle manufacturer BMW since July 2022. [1] Introduced in April 2022, [7] 7 Series and i7 are the respective designations for BMW's internal combustion and battery electric full-size luxury flagship models.
BMW 7 系 M Automobiles (G70) :型號、規格配備、混合動力和 …
透過兩台 BMW M eDrive 引擎, BMW i7 M70 可產生強大的 485 kW(660匹馬力) 和眾多 M 系列專用的技術功能,打造全新的駕駛體驗。全電動汽車從 0-100 公里 / 小時加速只需 3.7 秒。
BMW 7 Series Sedan (G70):車型、規格配備、混合動力與價格
新款 BMW 7 Series Sedan 將純粹的優雅和多感官娛樂融為一體,帶來絕對優質的駕駛體驗: *提供選裝配置。 *數值為初步值. *產品資訊只供參考,日後或按BMW廠方公佈而作更改並不另行通知。 新款 BMW 7 SERIES SEDAN 的型號。 標誌性前臉設計。 BMW ‘Iconic Glow’ 水晶頭燈* 採用施華洛世奇水晶元素,搭配發光的雙腎形鬼面罩輪廓,散發出個性感。 流暢的線條將新款 BMW 7 Series 的龐大體積轉化為具有美學比例的寬敞空間。 鍍鉻元素如同珍貴寶石,凸顯了霍夫邁斯 …
BMW 7 Series Sedan (G70): Models, technical Data, Hybrid
All highlights of the BMW 7 Series Sedan (G70): Models, equipment, technical data, plug-in hybrid, prices and services. Discover now.
全新首創BMW i7 M70 xDrive(G70)純電性能旗艦:一覽全貌
憑藉其兩具BMW M eDrive馬達,全新BMW i7 M70產生強大的659匹馬力和眾多M專屬科技,創造豪華旗艦的性能駕駛體驗,並可於3.7秒輕鬆從時速0加速到100公里。 M Sport煞車套件(黑色)
BMW M760e xDrive Sedan (G70): Models, technical Data, Hybrid …
The hybrid drive of the new BMW M760e xDrive combines the powerful reserves of a M TwinPower Turbo inline 6-cylinder petrol engine with 30 kW* M Sport Boost for a high-performance 420 kW* to accelerate the vehicle from 0 to 100 km/h in only 4.3 s*.
BMW 7 Series Sedan (G70): Engines & technical data | BMW.cc
BMW 7 Series Sedan (G70) engines and technical data: Dimensions, driving performance, fuel consumption and more. All facts at a glance.
BMW 7 Series Sedan (G70):引擎與規格配備 | bmwhk.com
對於自 2021 年 1 月 1 日起新獲得型式認可的車輛,官方規格僅根據 WLTP 存在。 有關 NEDC 和 WLTP 測量方法的更多資訊,請造訪 www.bmw.de/wltp. 耗油量與二氧化碳排放量。 耗油量、二氧化碳排放量、電力消耗量和電動續航里程的官方資料是根據規定的測量程序確定的,並符合修訂後的 (EU) 715/2007 法規。 涉及到續航里程時,WLTP 資料考慮了所有選裝配置。 對於自 2021 年 1 月 1 日起新獲得型式認可的車輛,官方規格僅根據 WLTP 存在。 有關 NEDC 和 WLTP 測量 …
BMW 7 Series M Automobiles (G70): Models, technical data, …
With its two BMW M eDrive engines, the BMW i7 M70 generates a powerful 485 kW (659 hp) and numerous M-specific technology features, creating a completely new driving experience. The fully electric vehicle accelerates from 0 to 100 km/h without a break in just 3.7 seconds.
BMW 7 Series M70 (G70): Model, technical data & prices | BMW …
With its two BMW M eDrive engines, the BMW i7 M70 generates a powerful 485 kW and numerous M specific technology features, creating a completely new driving experience. The fully electric vehicle accelerates from 0 to 100 km/h without a break in just 3.7 seconds.
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