Heckler & Koch HK21 - Wikipedia
The HK21 is a German 7.62 mm general-purpose machine gun, developed in 1961 by small arms manufacturer Heckler & Koch and based on the G3 battle rifle. The weapon is in use with the armed forces of several Asian, African and Latin American countries.
HK21通用機槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
德國陸軍 、 德国海军 和 聯邦警察 曾使用HK11衍生型,並且命名為G8(德語: Gewehr-8)。 具有位於 機匣 組件頂蓋的凹槽狀瞄準鏡 接口,輕型 兩腳架,使用可快速更換式 槍管,並且可以在一根重型 比賽等級 (英语:Match grade) 重槍管或 全自動射擊 型重槍管之間進行轉換。 它被設計為在 精確射手步槍 用途時使用G3的10—20發可拆卸式 彈匣,但也可以在持續的支援或壓制火力用途時使用特殊的50發可拆卸式 彈鼓 供彈。
德国G8式7.62mm步枪 - 百度百科
德国G8式7.62mm步枪是德国赫克勒-科赫有限公司专为警察和治安部队反恐怖活动而设计的,它实际上是对早先的HK 11E式步枪加以改进而成的。 它另有一变型枪叫G8A1式,不能用弹链供弹,仅能使用弹匣。
Heckler Koch HK G8 Sniper Rifle (Germany) - Modern Firearms
The HK G8 sniper rifle was developed and manufactured during 1980s by the famous German gun-making company Heckler und Koch Gmbh. It was designed upon request from the German border guard (Bundesgrenzschutz, BGS) as a universal support weapon, intended to arm special counter-terrorist units such as the famous BGS 9.
Heckler & Koch HK 21 General Purpose Machine Gun / Light Machine Gun ...
2022年2月14日 · The HK23E was an export light machine gun chambered for the 5.56x45mm NATO cartridge. The HK13E was another automatic rifle development and fed by magazines holding 5.56x45mm NATO cartridges. The HK G8 offered telescopic sights, a quick-change barrel and various box magazine and one drum magazine ammunition count.
HK21 – Wikipedia
Das HK21 ist ein Universal-Maschinengewehr des deutschen Herstellers Heckler & Koch. Es wird in der Bundeswehr und bei deutschen Behörden als G8 bezeichnet.
Heckler & Koch HK 21 - Military Equipment Guide With Photos
The HK G8 offers telescopic sights, quick-change barrels and a variety of box magazines, as well as ammo counts for drum magazines. HK GR-6 and GR-9 were issued to special forces and their serial numbers were removed. GR-6 stands for automatic rifle form, while GR-9 is for light machine gun form.
Heckler & Koch HK 21 | Weaponsystems.net
The HK 21 is an early Cold War era machine gun of German origin. It was developed to supplement the G3 battle rifle and about half of the parts are interchangeable. The HK 21 was a quite unique machine gun upon introduction. It was …
HK 21 - Weaponsystems.net
The G8 is a special model derived from the HK 11E that is designed for the designated marksman role. The G8 is fitted with optics and some are fitted with a match grade barrel. The G8 can be fitted with the belt feed mechanism while the G8A1 cannot. The HK 13 is the magazine fed model that fires the 5.56x45mm round.
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UPDATE 《黑鹰坠落》中的 历史背景 和 武器装备 有修正资料,并补充了历史资料进行对照。 《战俘计划》 也有更新截图和补充细节。 有人问我为什么不再写这类影视轻武器的文章,其实我在建站初期出于兴趣写过这样的文章,但后来发现国外有个叫IMFDB的网站,专门建立了影视枪械资料库,在上面有些道具枪公司的人自己爆料,比我自己去查资料还要快还要准确。 所以我就不再写这类文章了。 今年还有,去珠海航展拍的照片还没整理呢…… 另外,虽然本次内容不多,但 …