G87M2提了两周了,简单聊聊和F87和G82的区别 - 汽车之家
2023年5月2日 · 最后是大家都关注的和G82M3和F87M2的对比,如果说G82是宝马从F82向日常舒适型迈进的第一步,那G87M2就是又迈了第二步,相比G82M4更日常舒适,就更别提F87M2了,F87相比F82更像一台更硬核更有玩乐属性的车,但G87却没有这种感觉,如果不是短轴距带来的结构优势,就单独调教来说可能还不如G82。 纯原厂状态下,整车乐趣我个人会排F87大于F82大于G82大于G87。 之前F82,F87,G82很多人换避震是因为原厂避震有点颠,换个避震为了 …
宝马 G87 M2|G80 M3|G82 M4 你会选哪款? - 搜狐
2024年3月25日 · 宝马 g82 m4. 动力参数 :3.0 升直列 6 缸发动机,额定功率为 317 kw(431 ps),额定扭矩为 550 n⋅m。 驱动方式 :后轮驱动。 变速箱 :提供 7 速 m-dct 变速器和 6 速手动变速器选项。 加速性能 :7 速 m-dct 变速器可在 4.1 s内从 0 加速到 100 km/h,6 速手动变速器在 …
宝马全新第二代M2(G87)驾驶体验 - 懂车帝
2023年12月1日 · M2装载一台2993cc双涡轮直列六缸引擎,在2650rpm转速下最大输出动力和扭力分别为460hp和550Nm,搭配8速Steptronic Sport变速箱将驱动力传输至后轮,能在4.1秒内从零加速到百公里,最高时速限制在250公里。
2023 BMW M2 Is Once Again Better Than the M4 - Road & Track
The 2023 BMW M2 is priced from $63,195, including destination, placing it squarely against cars like the Audi RS3 and the Mercedes-AMG CLA45 S. While those compact AWD sedans provide more ...
Review: 2024 BMW M2 Epitomizes All That’s Good About ///M - BMW BLOG
2024年6月12日 · The 2024 BMW M2 is built on a shortened version of the same CLAR architecture that underpins all of BMW’s rear-wheel-drive models, including the G82 M4. It is exactly the same width as the M4...
2023 BMW M2 (G87) - Specs, Design and Price - BMW BLOG
2022年10月11日 · In its base-spec, the 2023 BMW M2 will make 453 horsepower (338 kW) and 406 lb-ft (550 Nm) of torque. There’s no Competition model, so this is the only M2 you’ll get. For now at least. Peak...
The Six-Speed Manual Transmission in G87 BMW M2 vs. G82 M4 - BMW BLOG
2023年4月5日 · In this review, we explore the six-speed manual transmission in the new 2023 BMW M2 vs. the same gearbox in the BMW M4 G82
G87 (M2) vs G82 (M4) Suspension - BIMMERPOST
2024年7月14日 · The M2 borrowed the M3 and M4’s variable ratio electric power steering system and a version of their electronically adapting suspension, consisting of slightly firmer front springs and a softer rear suspension tune, thanks to dampers borrowed from the 3 …
宝马M2/M3/M4最新消息:换代、中期改款时间如下..._车家号_发 …
2021年7月-2022年11月:m2车系中断,g80 m3和g82/g83 m4成为宝马m的入门车型; 2022年6月:G80 M3生产结束; 2022年7月:G80 M3 LCI、G82 M4 CSL开始生产;
G87 M2 vs. G82 M4 - BIMMERPOST
The forthcoming G87 M2 seems like it may be a good alternative. Reportedly there will be more in the way of premium options available compared to the current one and on the order of 455 hp, which is certainly adequate. One potential negative is that ours will come from Mexico, not Germany. _____