Is it just me or is Lis' G-84 TGM total garbage? : r ... - Reddit
Is it just me or is Lis' G-84 TGM total garbage? Seems to never have enough fuel to be effective, steers like a turd, and even seems to ignore hits frequently... And it's the only rocket that can …
【問題】請問里斯G-84 TGM @戰地風雲 哈啦板 - 巴哈姆特
2023年4月3日 · 只要是單人模式有進行鏡頭切換的動作 (里斯tgm、進出載具、切換載具座位),都有極高機率發生,從上個版本在官方論壇就有人回報了,不過還沒修好 qq
G84 - TGM : r/battlefield2042 - Reddit
2022年6月22日 · Welcome to the home of Battlefield 2042! Your place for discussion, help, news, reviews, questions, screenshots, videos, gifs, and anything else BF2042 related! Battlefield …
【閒聊】本次更新資訊+討論 @戰地風雲 哈啦板 - 巴哈姆特
2023年3月29日 · 打地面 里斯tgm /fgm148/m5 都不錯 但是使用tgm就卡配件 通常我最後都得帶地雷
G84 TGM (Lis' guided missile) should NOT 1-shot destroy light air ...
Lis' G84 TGM is getting a nerf in the upcoming update (4.0). Thank you, devs - nerf was much needed :-) Full patch notes: Lis. Reduced the maximum range of Lis' G-84 TGM from 600m to …
Is G-84 TGM too overpowered? : r/battlefield2042 - Reddit
2023年2月26日 · The G-84 TGM is literally my nightmare, Every time I fly helicopter there will always be G-84 hunting me, even with jets and all vehicle, it made me very angry. Even in the …
【战地2042】第一赛季更新感觉G84-TV制导导弹打不准?看完这 …
【战地2042】第一赛季更新感觉g84-tv制导导弹打不准? 看完这个实战视频就会了。 视频播放量 1667、弹幕量 1、点赞数 8、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 5、转发人数 6, 视频作者 雷雷小小雷 …
g84 tgm | EA Forums - 7094208
2025年3月5日 · Aircraft can literally outrun a missile, or it’s super easy to dodge. You’d like the missile further nerfed? It needs a range boost and a speed burst to make it even part way …
G-84 TGM :: Battlefield™ 2042 General Discussions - Steam Community
2023年2月17日 · Better give it back to attack helicopter gunners...
2023年2月1日 · It already has a massive cooldown after you fire the two missiles that can't kill anything major in two hits. You can only OHK jets and the stealth & scout helos.