DICKEY-john | GAC 2700-AGRI
The GAC 2700-AGRI Grain Analysis Computer uses the newest analysis technology to provide repeatable results, just like the instruments at the elevator. Additionally, the GAC 2700-AGRI has temperature sensing capabilities, allowing accurate measurement in extreme temperature conditions including frozen and hot grain.
DICKEY-john | GAC 2700-UGMA
The new GAC™ 2700-UGMA moisture tester utilizes this technology to provide a high level of accuracy to measurements. The Unified Grain Moisture Algorithm (UGMA) provides more accurate moisture readings across all grain types, including in a wider range of grain densities, as well as a wider temperature range.
DICKEY-john GAC 2700-AGRI Grain Analyzer MT58 - Shoup
DICKEY-john® GAC® 2700-AGRI moisture tester. Features include: 110/220V power supply. Moisture range: 5% - 45% ; Temperature range: -4° - 140°F; 7" color touchscreen display. Automatic moisture, temperature, test weight reading. Updatable calibrations. Elevator quality results. One year warranty. Memory for up to 3000 tests. Dimensions: 17 ...
DICKEY-john GAC 2700-UGMA Grain Moisture Analyzer
The GAC 2700-UGMA uses the latest analysis technology (149 MHz) to provide repeatable results. As well as incorporating forward-thinking security improvements, reduced measurement time, a new modern user-interface and reliability improvements.
The GAC 2700-Agri can accurately measure moisture and test-weight in both frozen and hot grain, including calibrations to measure directly out of the dryer. This unit also includes multiple USB ports that make setup, calibration, and data transfer fast and efficient.
GAC 2700 | Grain Moisture Tester for Farmers
The GAC 2700 is an advanced, precise grain moisture analyzer. The GAC 2700 Grain Analysis Computer incorporates the latest in analysis technology to deliver repeatable, reliable results, comparable to those from the most advanced instruments at grain elevators.
GAC2700UGMA - Commercial Grain Tester, NTEP Approved
We are pleased to introduce the new GAC 2700-UGMA grain moisture tester. The GAC 2700-UGMA uses the latest analysis technology (149 MHz) to provide repeatable results. As well as incorporating forward-thinking security improvements, reduced measurement time, a new modern user-interface, and reliability improvements.
Moisture analyzer - GAC® 2700-AGRI - DICKEY-john - AgriExpo
Features & Benefits •Provides precise results measuring grain moisture and test weight •Large, bright color touchscreen that is user-friendly and easy to read •Provides accurate measurements for frozen and hot grain •Store up to 3,000 sample results that can be exported or printed at any time •Hot corn calibration for testing right out of the d...
GAC 2700-UGMA Brochure - DICKEY-john - PDF Catalogs
The new GAC® 2700-UGMA utlizes this technology to provide a high level of accuracy to measurements. The Unified Grain Moisture Algorithm (UGMA) provides more accurate moisture readings across all grain types, including in a wider range of grain densities, as well as a wider temperature range.
GAC 2700-AGRI Spec Sheet - DICKEY-john - PDF Catalogs
Features and Benefits: • tilizes 149 MHz technology to provide elevator-like results U • ccurate temperature-sensing capabilities allow you to measure A frozen and hot grain • Easy-to-use, intuitive color touchscreen eliminates operator training • Memory storage for up to 3,000 measurements • ultiple USB ports on the back of the unit for softwar...