GAZ-69 - Wikipedia
The GAZ-69 is a Soviet four-wheel drive off-road vehicle produced by GAZ (ГАЗ, or Gorkovsky Avtomobilnyi Zavod, Gorky Automobile Factory) between 1953 and 1956 and then by UAZ between 1956 and 1972, though all of these light truck class vehicles were known as GAZ-69s. It was also produced in Romania until 1975.
GAZ-69人员车 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
GAZ-69人员车是一种典型的军用人员车,初期是车身前方左右各一道车门,后方左右侧各有2个可折起座位,后来改全车有四个车门,车身后方有一排有三个座位的沙发,车顶是一个帆布制雨篷,必要时可拉起或收下,四轮驱动并可载1/2吨货物,车身后方底有一个48公升主油箱,司机座位下方也有一个27公升油箱,司机可通过右脚旁边的制切换用哪个油箱的汽油,GAZ-69的方向盘等操作系统畅顺,但相比其车重(1535公斤)就有点马力(55匹)不足,机动性不及美制 威利 …
The GAZ-69 (UAZ 69) 4x4 Truck (1949) - Truck Encyclopedia
The GAZ-69 and GAZ-69A were the main cold war Soviet off-road military utility cars, produced from 1952 to 1973. They had been created by a team of designers of the Gorky Automobile Plant (F.A. Lependin, G.K.Shneider, B.N. Pankratov, S.G. Zislin, V.F.Filyukov, V.I. Podolsky, V.S.Soloviev, under the leadership of G.M. Wasserman).
GAZ-69的研制及其设计特点 - Военное обозрение
2024年9月3日 · 1956年,高尔基汽车厂停止生产gaz-69,乌里扬诺夫斯克国家汽车厂成为苏联主要专业生产轻型越野车的企业,并生产了第69右直到1973年。 这就是以 G. M. Wasserman 为首的设计师团队的活动最终导致了一家新的苏联汽车工厂的出现。
GAZ-69 — Wikipédia
Le GAZ-69 était un véhicule tout-terrain produit par GAZ de 1953 à 1956, et par UAZ de 1954 à 1972. Sa désignation militaire était ATK-L 69, tracteur d'artillerie léger sur roues, susceptible de tracter une charge maximale de 850 kg. Il pouvait transporter huit personnes, ou deux personnes plus une charge utile d'un poids maximal de 500 kg 1.
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Gaz GAZ 69 M Baujahr 1962 - ein echter Oldtimer Vollständig
Gaz GAZ 69 M Baujahr 1962 - ein echter Oldtimer Vollständig restaurierter Zustand! Technische Daten Kilometerstand 10.825 km (abgelesen) Motor 4 Zylinder Reiheer
GAZ-69 - Wikicars
2010年2月2日 · The GAZ-69 was the basic light off-road vehicle of the Soviet Army, replacing GAZ-67s and Willys Jeeps. The GAZ-69 was itself replaced with the UAZ-469. It was also used as the basis for the 2P26 tank destroyer as well as for the GAZ 46 MAV, a light 4x4 amphibious vehicle, whose design was largely copied from the World War II Ford GPA 'Seep'.
Osobný terénny automobil GAZ–69 M | Vojenský historický ústav …
2023年10月20日 · GAZ – 69 je dvojnápravový osobný terénny automobil sovietskeho pôvodu s celokovovou otvorenou karosériou, ktorý bol vyrábaný v rokoch 1952 – 1972. Vo vozidle je zabudovaný štvortaktný štvorvalcový benzínový motorom s obsahom 2 …
GAZ 69(M) 4X4 Utility Truck, Bronco CB35096 (2011) - Scalemates
Bronco model kit in scale 1:35, CB35096 is a NEW tool released in 2011 | Contents, Previews, Reviews, History + Marketplace | GAZ-69 | EAN: 4544032679514