GBB Sling Caresheet - Arachnoboards
2016年11月21日 · Hello I was thinking of buying a GBB Sling and i just wanted some tips on how to care for them as slings. Keep in a deli tub filled with dry eco earth with a small water dish. If too small then drop a couple of droplets water down the side of the vial/ tub every couple of days. Try to keep a moist half and a dry half. Feed every few days.
GBB Sling Enclosure Setup - Arachnoboards
2021年1月11日 · My gbb sling is in a cube enclosure, I'm guessing about 3 x 3 x 3 inches? Small piece of cork bark with an indentation under it and some plastic plant as anchor points. This is the only species I have that comes to the water dish when I open the lid and sits drinking.
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens (GBB) Care | Tom's Big Spiders
2014年7月31日 · With its shimmering blue legs, metallic aqua carapace, and stunningly vibrant orange abdomen, this animal looked too striking to be real. A quick search revealed this amazing specimen to be the Chromatopelma cyaneopubscens, common name Greenbottle Blue or …
New Greenbottle Blue (GBB) Sling, and Enclosure setup
2020年2月12日 · Here is a video of his/her move to a smaller container. I originally moved him to a larger enclosure but he was not adjusting to it the way I wanted him to, so he had to downsize. Thanks for...
GBB SLING CARE | Tarantula Forum
2016年3月17日 · When your GBB will be bigger (I'd say something around 3 cm BL), you can stop moistening the substrate and give only the waterdish (a bigger one). For the food, once or twice a week a cricket which is the size of the cephalothorax (or a little bit bigger) is okay.
GBB Sling Refusing Food, Shrinking Abdomen | Arachnoboards
2024年12月29日 · We purchased our GBB sling on December 3rd. Since then, he has only eaten once. However the abdomen has shrunken quite a bit and there is still no interest in eating. we have seen him drink multiple times and he has a water bowl always full in his enclosure. Here are some of the things we’ve tried and have not had any luck.
GBB Sling staying on walls - Tarantula Forum
2019年11月27日 · I've got 5 GBB slings in 4x4x4 AMAC box enclosures. Few weeks ago I noticed that ALL of them were up on the sides of the enclosures hanging around the vent holes, for several days, and no webbing. I started checking things out and found that the substrate was very damp. Rehoused everyone over bone dry substrate.
How in the world do yall manage GBB slings?! - Reddit
2022年3月24日 · I don’t really spray any of tarantulas, I’ll add some drops of water of my arid species every week or two by dribbling it down the side. Food wise I just drop them in there (for smaller slings prekilled). I don’t have time to watch all of them (around 100 tarantulas), so it just becomes more of an automated system.
Green Bottle Blue Tarantula Care — The Tarantula Collective
The GBB is highly sought after for its stunning blue hues and intricate web tunnels. While it is generally docile, it can be skittish, often retreating into its burrow or webbing when disturbed. This species is hardy, has a strong feeding response, and readily adapts to captive conditions, making it an excellent display species.
water dish for GBB sling? | Tarantula Forum
2024年10月30日 · I use these little travel size pill containers for medium enclosures, I use legos and centrifuge vials sometimes for small sling setups or I just make sure to drip some water on their webs before bedtime