Beijing BGI-GBI Biotech Co., Ltd. (GBI)
Founded in 1994, Beijing BGI-GBI Biotech Co., Ltd. (GBI) is the core subsidiary of BGI Group which is one of the largest genomic organizations in the world. GBI mainly focuses on the business including R&D, manufacture and sales of In …
从SEQ ALL到GBI ALL ... - bgi.com
GBI ALL理念的核心在于通过生成式生物智能技术,实现对全基因组数据的深度解析。 其中,基因检测多模态大模型GeneT是华大基因在AI大模型领域的重大突破。 华大基因IT副总监梁伦纲介 …
Founded in 1994, Beijing BGI-GBI Biotech Co., Ltd.(GBI) is the core subsidiary of BGI Group which is one of the largest genomic organizations in the world. GBI mainly focuses on the business including R&D, manufacture and sales of In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) kits and clinical lab services. GBI is among the first batch
About Us — GBI Diagnostics
GBI Diagnostics Inc. is a subsidiary of Beijing BGI-GBI Biotech Co., Ltd., the core subsidiary of BGI (SZSE Stock Code: 300676), which is one of the largest genomic organizations in the world with expertise in healthcare, agricultural, and environmental-related research and applications.
BGI Group Official Website
2025年3月5日 · It aims to empower large population genome projects around the world and revolutionize healthcare with OMICS technologies. Output up to 7 Tb of high-quality data within 24 hours. Widely applicable to Whole Genome Sequencing, Deep Exome Sequencing, Epigenome Sequencing, Transcriptome Sequencing, Tumour Panel, and other data-intensive projects.
北京华大吉比爱生物技术有限公司(简称“华大吉比爱”),创立于1994 年,为深圳华大基因股份有限公司(简称“华大基因”,股票代码 300676)核心子公司,主要从事体外诊断(简称“IVD”)试剂产品的研发、生产、销售及提供医学检验解决方案,是全国首批通过 GMP 认证的体外诊断试剂企业,血液筛查产品连续二十多年 100% 通过国家药品监督管理局生物制品批签发,多次在中国疾病预防控制中心组织的全国临床质量评估中以满分登居榜首。 华大吉比爱举华大集团之力,打 …
Global Footprint - Beijing BGI-GBI Biotech Co., Ltd. (GBI)
BGI·GBI has a global footprint with offices and laboratories covering more than 100 countries and regions.
公司简介_关于吉比爱_吉比爱医学检验所 - GBI
获得1个适用于全自动化学发光免疫分析仪(GBI-MAP 800)的“实用型专利证书”。 获得适用于管式质谱前处理仪(MSP-600R)的“发明专利证书”及五项“实用新型专利证书”。 同心聚力三十载,共创千亿百年业!
BGI Group Official Website - genomics.cn
BGI Group is the world's largest genome research organization, providing genomics services such as genetic data, sequencing and gene technology application solutions.
Beijing Bgi-Gbi Biotech Co., Ltd. - Made-in-China.com
Founded in 1994, Beijing BGI-GBI Biotech Co., Ltd. (GBI) is the core subsidiary of BGI Group which is one Of the largest genomic organizations in the world. GBI mainly focuses on the business including R&D, Manufacture and sales of In …